If Donald Trump was in high school
Photo by Colton Johnson
September 9, 2016
General consensus among most Americans is that 2016 is a year that will go down in the history books, and not necessarily for the right reasons.
It’s been a year filled with riots, shootings, the refugee crisis, widespread disagreement and a lot of insanity. Of course, one of the main issues is the presidential election; namely, the presidential candidates and the presence that is Donald Trump.
Trump emerged as the Republican nominee after beating out 16 others. He has created a media wildfire, through what seemed like provocation at first. Now many are questioning his sanity; the American Psychological Association even reached out and warned psychologists to stop diagnosing Trump, after #DiagnoseTrump went viral. Trump’s conduct has often been criticized as “juvenile,” and some of his remarks are reminiscent of a bully in a stereotypical ‘90s movie.
So what would happen if Trump somehow returned to the days before his father gave him a small loan of a million dollars and joined the ranks of public high school?
Let’s say the school represents America. It is diverse in race, ethnicity, language, culture, socioeconomic status and pretty much everything a school can be diverse in. It definitely has its problems. There is a huge disparity between incomes of the lower third of the population and the upper 10 percent. Racial tensions are exacerbated by the unwarranted punishment occasionally administered to black students. Resources are strained by an influx of transfer students from the poorer surrounding schools caught up in administrative battles that are essentially tearing these schools apart. Even with all its problems, the school is arguably the best in the area and presents a range of opportunities for its students.
Donald Trump is one of the top 10 percent, in reference to income. He is on the golf team–as he believes that golf should be “for the rich elite”–and is running for student body president, which is a problem because he’s a member of Teenage Republicans and hardly anyone in the club likes him. He is the son of a real estate mogul and plans on taking over the family business, after going to the University of Pennsylvania–a school that costs $60,000 a year and only offers scholarships based on financial need.
Trump is exclusive about his company.
His lunch table is filled with only the prettiest girls. He is known for his hatred of transfer students, even though his girlfriend is a transfer. He asserts that the other schools “only send their worst,” and is convinced that these students are entirely responsible for the school’s burgeoning drug and rape problem. He frequently petitions administration to “build a wall” of prerequisites, transfer limits and other red tape to keep out these students. He believes that anyone beneath his social or economic status is destitute and doesn’t have much to live for, and was recently disciplined for saying that “black students have nothing to lose.”
His track record is famously long for the things he’s said to others.
He was cited for sexual harassment when he told a girl that she “would be a pretty picture dropping to her knees.” His girlfriend was punished for plagiarizing her term paper (from the last valedictorian), and he and his friends adamantly claimed that these were “common words,” even though vast chunks of the paper were exactly the same as the last valedictorian’s. He was punished for saying that a critical teacher was “off-base” because she was on her period. The principal received complaints after he mocked a disabled classmate in front of the whole cafeteria.
But even though his record is long, and even though he has been reprimanded multiple times, he still remains unapologetic. He gets out of most punishments because he is Donald Trump.
Now back to present day.
To me, it doesn’t make sense that Trump can act like this and still hold the Republican nomination. And it’s scary to me that someone who knows about the military because he “watches the shows” and would “look Syrian kids in the face and tell them to go home” still holds so much approval among the American people.
Face it: if we went to high school with Trump, we would feel a little differently about him than we do now. And a country (or school) under the control of someone who divides the people based on race, gender, religion, citizenship and social class wouldn’t last for long.