An insider on the ‘Outsiders’
Photo by Alex Rain
November 22, 2017
Vibrant flashes of red and orange light glow from the church window accompanying screams and shouts alongside the crackling of a fire. Characters dive into the danger, and not all of them come back. Then the stage goes to black.
Contrary to its name, “The Outsiders” at the Sitwell Theatre with the Tex Rep Company is a very inside experience. From touching monologues to immersive fight scenes, every moment felt intimate and interactive, as if the audience was a part of the story rather than a separated onlooker.
The play is based directly on the book “The Outsiders,” and each line was just as poignant as in the best-selling novel. The story follows a tight-knit gang of greasers from the wrong side of the tracks that is torn apart when one of the members, a shy boy named Johnny, kills a Soc, or socially elite. The cast did a masterful job of portraying each emotion, from the light-hearted banter to heart-wrenching death scenes.
One actor worthy of honorable mention is Gabe Lohse, a former Texas High student who starred as Ponyboy. The show, narrated by Ponyboy, featured moments when the stage darkened and a single spotlight was focused on Lohse. These monologues ranged from somber to funny to devastating and Lohse captured each emotion perfectly. It takes a great actor to pull a show together and Lohse was this actor.
A truly show-stealing performance is also accredited to Taylor Coleman, who played Dallas. The character was the most light-hearted and funny, and Coleman used perfect comedic timing to bring down the house at ever joke. Similarly, Sam Sanchez, current Texas High School junior, who played Two-Bit, directed the audience with lines of wit and sarcastic comedy. Both actors brought the otherwise solemn show lighthearted moments.
A truly stunning scene in the show was when the Greasers and Socs had a rumble to end the Socs jumping Greasers once and for all. Deafening sounds of punches and police sirens were overlapped with an action-packed monologue from Lohse and blinding flashlights illuminated the audience. This scene was overwhelming and breathtaking.
Ultimately, the show was a beautiful rendition of a timeless book with a story that still finds relevance in today’s society. The actors and actresses brought the world of the 60’s to life, and the set and special effects made an immersive show without a Broadway-sized budget.