Joining journalism
Top reasons to be a member of publications
Photo by Abby Elliott
graphic design
March 23, 2021
The time is coming. The time when devoted members of every club across campus parade through the halls advertising their interests. Students will try to entrance you with pretty lights from the latest play or high stakes matches on the tennis court. Texas High Publications, however, has neither of these spectacles. So how will they recruit new people with new headlines constantly buzzing in their minds? They’ll write a story about the main reasons, along with many others, why any aspiring journalist should give the Tiger Times or Tiger Yearbook a try.
You’ll learn writing differently than ever before
Even for the most avid readers, your everyday English class can get tedious at times. It seems like everyday is a never ending cycle: read the book, write the essay, take the test and repeat the cycle. Newspaper and yearbook, allows students to write more creatively than analysing another book from the 1800s. Publications gives an opportunity to write about what we’re actually passionate about. Think the world needs to hear about a girl who does dressage in her free time? Write a feature story. Have a passion for making macarons? Write a step by step baking guide so others can get in on the goodness.
You’ll talk to different kinds of people
Shyness when it comes to speaking to people is a common experience, but if you’re looking to come out of your shell, interviews are the perfect place to start. Writing stories often means acquiring quotes. Depending on the article, you potential interviewees can range from the superintendent to a student strolling the halls to a professional taxidermist.
You get new college admissions opportunities
Is your resume for your dream school looking a little empty? Simply add whichever publication seems most appealing to you to entice admissions officials. Being able to tell colleges that you were a part of photography, newspaper or yearbook means telling them you can interact with others and cater to target audiences. Also, there are several opportunities to enter contests and win awards for your latest creation.
You’ll be up to date on current events
The stereotype of teens today is that they know nothing about the state of the world beyond the random Twitter headline. However, in newspaper, you can explore local and national events and interview others on their opinions. From defending your favorite political party to giving the lowdown on student election results, the Tiger Times press is as free as they can be.
Meeting like-minded people
When you enter the publications room, you’ll be greeted by swarms of people who do exactly what you are there to do: tell real life students’ stories through pictures, pages and papers. In yearbook and newspaper, editors will guide you through random punctuation and capitalization rules you never wanted to know and will constantly forget. Fellow photographers will explain the inner workings of every piece of equipment at your disposal. In newspaper meetings, you’ll exchange ideas for stories ranging from hot takes on your least favorite fashion trends to much needed discussions on school shootings. It lets you learn from others as well as express your opinions in a judgemental free setting.
It’s an extracurricular that can help you with academics
Trying to bring up that ACT English score? Being an editor for yearbook or newspaper will force you to be familiar with the language’s many laws in a more fun way than taking practice tests. Writing for the newspaper can also help with essays. After writing enough feature stories over Texarkana’s most entertaining residents, words will practically flow onto the page next time you have to write some imagery for your latest writing assignment.
You’ll have fun
Productive reasons aside, we have to remember that, although college seems to creep on us more every day, we’re still technically kids. We deserve to take fun into account when making decisions. On occasion, pub students will come after school to work on their latest stories or photo assignments, but they are rewarded with a treat. Newspaper and yearbook work nights are catered with the best fast food Texarkana has to offer.
Although the extracurricular choices are overwhelming, and the glitz and glamor of other clubs can distract from others, remember publications as a rewarding option. See newspaper and yearbook advisor Rebecca Potter or photography advisor Clint Smith in Room 50 for applications after spring break.