With the new school year on the foreground, many students will come across those teachers. The teachers notorious for impossible tests, pop quizzes and long reading assignments, all leading to the unexpected demise of a 4.0.Thoseteachers are usually the teachers you learn the most from, but during the school year, all you want is for someone to throw you a lifesaver. So we ask you veterans to throw out the lifesaver and help your fellow man.Please comment below and tell your peers how to survive and thrive in the following classes:
Jackie Nix’s STEM Algebra II Pre-AP
Chuck Zach’s US History AP
John Littmann’s Government AP Class
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Daniel Pellegrin • Aug 27, 2012 at 4:49 pm
Okay Littmann’s class:
Littmann is the absolute best teacher when you’re needing college preparation, the layout of his class work is very similar to what you will encounter next year. You will no doubt be receiving your project assignments this week, my two pieces of advice are, of course, start early (but you probably wont adhere to this one), and second CALL THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, DO NOT MAIL OR EMAIL AWAY THEY WILL FORGET OR SEND LATE! Also you may find it to your advantage to work alone, everyone seems to be fine either way though.
ENJOY LITTMANN he’s one of the schools best and ENJOY GOVERNMENT it will come up again later, and the skills you get from just taking notes will prove invaluable to you next year.
Sic’em Bears, lets by careful out there!
Daniel Pellegrin
Madison Sewell • Aug 23, 2012 at 4:09 pm
I was unlucky enough to neither have Nix or Zach, but LITTMANN!
Okay y’all, I love love love Littmann! He is so funny and definitely keeps you entertained. My advice is just PAY ATTENTION. He goes over absolutely everything that are on the tests and quizzes in class so be sure to also TAKE NOTES. He won’t tell you too, but anything he writes on the board, you’re going to see again! I really don’t understand why people had problems in there. They were either brain dead in the corner or sleeping. As long as you do those two things you’re fine! Oh and maybe studying those notes too! Also, when he gives the bonus assignments, DO THEM. Come on, easy points! As for taking this AP test, unless you do outsiding reading, you aren’t going to score very high. I never read for his class and just paid attention and made a 3 (lol), but you can make higher if you do study guides and read correlating chapters in the book, but I never wanted to do that.He’s AMAZING though. One of the highlights of senior year!
Good luck y’all.
Oh and remember, let’s be careful out there!
Emily Hoover • Aug 23, 2012 at 1:00 pm
Okay, Zach’s class.
My advice: read.
Seriously, that’s it.
You would be surprised how many kids decide they don’t have to read the chapter, and then they either 1. ask stupid questions or 2. make 24’s on the tests (disclaimer: it is ALWAYS possible to make a 24 on a Zach test, but it shouldn’t happen over and over again). And then Zach’s head explodes, you get to listen to a thinly-veiled lecture/warning, you lose vocabulary tests to boost your average…baaad things happen. So read.
Also, ask questions. In-depth questions, not “what does this word mean” questions. When Zach explains the context/meaning, most questions you have about people, time periods, and vocab words, tend to be explained too. It’s magical.
That’s my advice. It’s not that hard (promise). Stick it out and TRY and you’ll be fine.