Q&A: Crystal Noiel
Photo by Alyssa Olade
January 13, 2014
Going to a new school is a special time. The old friendly faces that once roamed the halls are gone, leaving behind only memories. While this may be a sad moment, this new chapter of life also brings with it new people. This year, there are a 29 new teachers, including history teacher Crystal Noiel.
When Noiel is not hard at work educating the new generation of students, she enjoys winding down and relaxing.
“Decorating is one of my hobbies, along with drawing and sewing.” Noiel said.
Noiel is no stranger to Texarkana; she has lived in the city all her life, except for one year.
“I moved away to Longview, Texas, last year,” Noiel said, “I taught at Longview High School.”
Although it’s about two hours away, the adjustment from the small town of Longview to the developing Texarkana was not that difficult.
“My family was very happy for me to come back home and work in my hometown,” Noiel said, “The major difference is that it’s a larger school; it’s a 5A school. Pretty much, that’s the only difference.”
Even though the campus and students are all new to her, Noiel managed to make the best of her new work space.
“I love teaching at Texas High,” Noiel said. “It’s a wonderful experience with a wonderful environment, and I love the students, as well as the staff.”
Noiel enjoys coming to work everyday to educate the leaders of tomorrow. She has taught the same subject ever since being at Longview and has no plans of ever leaving.
“I taught U.S. History at Longview,” Noiel said. “I plan on retiring at Texas High, but that will be a long time from now.”