UPDATED-It’s 6 a.m., and Santana Jones is working at McDonald’s, trying to get the money to not only help out her family, but also buy a dress for prom. Every morning since the beginning of senior year, Santana has been hard at work. She did, in fact, buy herself a beautiful gown, but she ended spending around 500 dollars. The amount was simply too much money for a student to spend on a one-night event.
When Julie Tidwell attended her first prom planning meeting this year, her eyes lit up when they asked for someone to chair the “Prom Boutique.” She knew that was a cause she could wrap her heart around.
Santana, who graduated prior to this school year, inspired prom mom, Julie Tidwell, to be the chair of the Prom Boutique. The Prom Boutique was assembled by Lisa Greene who had an assortment of old dresses from her daughter that were just going to waste away in the closet. Greene wanted to give the dresses to girls that might need them and that is just what she did.
Several dresses are still available after the Prom Boutique event April 6. Students who are interested in selecting a dress should go to the counselor’s office. For more information, see Ann Bishop.