For some it’s their first, for some it’s their last. Their last time to put on their hat and boots. Their last time to swipe the red lipstick across their lips. Their last time to step foot on stage. Their last time to perform with their team.
The drill team’s annual Spring Show will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday, marking the end to this year’s season.
“It’s really sad because its my last spring show, but I wouldn’t have wanted my last one to be with anyone other than the team I’m a part of now,” senior Claire Norton said. “It will be sad to see what has basically been my life for the past four years come to an end, but I’m definitely excited to see how the team continues to grow in the future.”
Although most of the girls look forward to being on the stage in front of a room full of hundreds of unknown faces, others find themselves thrilled for the end of their much practiced performances.
“I’m excited for spring show, but I’m also nervous at the same time,” sophomore Emily Evans said. “It seems like we have been practicing for forever, and I am kind of ready to get my dances over with.”
For the freshman, Spring Show will be a new experience with the opportunity to perform in multiple dances.
“I am very stressed out,” freshman Caroline May said. “We have a minimum of seven dances, so it’s very stressful to learn them all, but it is fun.”
The newest members of the drill team will perform in the “new girl” dance that is tradition for all first-year Highsteppers.
“I’m looking forward to spring show,” sophomore Rachel Qualls said. “Drill team practice has been fun so far, but it is kind of awkward being the only new girl who isn’t a freshman.”
Not only is it a dramatic experience for the senior highsteppers, it is also going to be the final show for retiring sponsor Gigi Still.
“For the past 17 years, I have had the pleasure of directing the Highsteppers. Every year I think, ‘This can’t get any better,’ only to be proven wrong year after year,” Still said. “My biggest sorrow at giving up the Highsteppers will be missing the relationship I have with the girls and seeing their improvement from awkward freshmen to amazing seniors. This, my last spring show as director, culminates my teaching career at Texas High on the highest possible note.”
While Still will miss most things about drill team, there’s one thing she won’t miss.
“I will NOT miss riding the ‘yellow dog’ on Friday nights!”
Spring Show: end for some, beginning for others
Story by Baylee McBride, Staff Writer
May 10, 2013
About the Contributor

Baylee McBride, Staff Writer
Baylee is super pumped for her sophomore year at Texas High. Not only is she a new journalist for Tiger Times, but this will be her second year playing varsity tennis. Her favorite things include sports, friends and her church. She really loves her Streamline family. Baylee is also a really fast runner.