A powerful experience

Local youth group to hold a group hangout

May 14, 2015

Powerhouse youth group of Church on the Rock is hosting an event on May 15 called “Crash Night” for everyone ages 13 to 18.

“Its a really good opportunity to get to know other people, obviously and to cooperatively praise Jesus,” senior Lexi Watkins said. “[It’s] not just stick to our own routine, but to change it up and get to know other people and how other people view God too.”

Powerhouse hosts the event once a month. In an event that includes free food, music and gift card giveaways, it’s sure to provide entertainment for those who attend.

“I really liked the message and playing games,” Watkins said. “[This was] mostly because everyone was getting to know each other, so having some fun together, I think was the best part.”

While the event is made for kids to have a good time, there is also a time in the event for people to remember what God has done and celebrate that by students sharing a short message.

“My favorite part was probably the real testimonies from people that I actually knew,” sophomore Tucker Douglass said. “It’s just really powerful to hear someone talk about their life like that.”

Powerhouse is hosting two more crash nights at the powerhouse building on May 15. It is seen as a great opportunity to connect with other students with the same Christian views and have fun at the same time.

“It was a really good experience [and] a great way to bring youth groups together to kind of break the seclusion and just bring people together,” senior Skyler Hight said. “[It’s a way to] let our community know we’re not just powerhouse, we’re not just Trinity, we’re not just Heritage, we’re all the church.”



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