Funneling in to Texarkana
Four States Fair comes to Texarkana for the 71st consecutive time
Photo by file photo
Advanced Time Exposure Kelsi Brinkmeyer Texas High School Texarkana, TX Clint Smith, instructor
The 71st Annual Four States Fair and Rodeo will kick off Friday at the Four States Fairgrounds. The fair will run through Sept. 20 from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., and tickets will cost from $5-$7.
“I’m most excited about the food because they have really good curly fries and lemonade that I get every year I go,” junior Marley Crawford said. “Also I love the rides and hanging out with my friends.”
The 71st Annual Four States Fair Parade will be on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and the cheer team, The Highsteppers and the band will be marching.
“I’m so excited about the parade,” sophomore cheerleader Claire Doan said. “I can’t wait to see all the little kids’ faces as our float passes by. It’s always fun to be in the parade, and it’s a great way to start the fair week.”
The Demolition Derby will be from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Four States Entertainment Center following and admission will cost from $8-$14.
“I’m always ready for the fair,” sophomore Will Norton said. “I love hanging out with friends, just having a good time and eating some food.”

Anna Graves is third-year newspaper lover. She is print co-editor-in-chief with Tyler Snell, whom she either loves or cannot stand. She is also senior...