More than dinner and a show
Student Council raises over 6500 at annual dinner theater production
Photo by Kayleigh Moreland
Sophomores Connor Brooks, Landon Ryden, and Cameron Tartly act out a skit at Student Council’s annual dinner theater.
March 2, 2016
Sunday, Student Council performed their 6th annual Dinner Theater production, “The Stars at Night.” The council sold over 500 tickets and raised over $6500. The show was performed in the Performing Arts Center, and dinner was served in the foyer area before the performance.
“Dinner Theater was great,” Student Body Vice President Anna Catherine Boudreaux said. “This was the first year we did it in the PAC, and I think it went super well. This is my senior year, and I’ve done it all four years of high school. I’m glad I was able to end on that one.”
Students have been preparing and rehearsing since December, and they believe the hard work paid off. Student Council performed over 40 numbers filled with song, dance and entertainment.
“I think Dinner Theater went very well,” sophomore Houston Hart said. “We put a lot of work into the show this year and had a great outcome. Being able to perform is so much fun, and I can’t wait for next year.”
Cheers erupted after every number, and students ended the show with a bang as the curtain closed after their traditional finale of High School Musical’s “We’re All In This Together.”
“I love Dinner Theater, I really do,” Assistant Principal for College and Career Readiness Bettie Lynn Stark said. “It’s so fun to get to see people do things outside of their comfort zones. I love seeing everyone come together to do something so fun and raise money. It was great.”