It’s a dust-up
Dodgeball tournament raised money for Dusty Waldrep Memorial scholarship
Photo by Alyssa Kift
Junior Houston Hart throws a ball at an opposing team during the Dust Bowl Dodgeball Tournament. Hart’s team failed to advance to the final round of the tournament.
December 17, 2016
The second Dusty Waldrep Dodgeball Tournament was held this past Thursday in the Tiger Center as a part of a school-wide event to raise scholarship money for a senior that has been active in community service and demonstrates leadership characteristics through Student Council.
“The scholarship goes to a senior in Student Council who wrote an essay based on the quote in Dusty’s wallet: ‘Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done,’ Proverbs 19:17,” said Director of Student Activities Susan Waldrep.
The event was started last year to commemorate Mrs. Waldrep’s son, Dusty, after he passed away in 2015 after years of fighting cancer.
“They may not always remember or know Dusty, but they remember us and it is a really personal thing for me and my family,” Waldrep said. “Roger and I really appreciate everyone one who volunteers, especially the alumni that come to help us.”
The event was highly successful, as it reached its goal of $1500 for the scholarship. Last year, there were about 40 teams that competed and about 36 teams this year that raised the same revenue.
“The number of teams is slightly down from last year, but this year we also added a concession stand and that did well,” senior Marjorie Slimer said. “We also had a team of teachers that participated that we all enjoyed.”
The first place team was ‘The 5 D’s’, who claimed the grand prize.
“Winning felt amazing,” sophomore Jacob Hearne said. “We were the underdogs of the tournament so the win was very surprising and joyful.”
The tournament yet again brought joyfulness to many students even though they did not reach victory.
“It was a lot better than last year because we did not play the baseball boys and lose horribly,” senior Ellie Mohon said. “Many people skinned their knees, but it was tons of fun and I really enjoyed watching the other teams.”