Sweet Treats
Photo by Auryeal Parker
Seniors Haylea Potts and Kamryn Hamilton enjoyed a slice of watermelon at last year’s Watermelon Supper.
August 18, 2017
Texas High Athletic Booster Club’s annual Watermelon Supper will take place this Saturday at 6:30 p.m.
Following tradition, the pep rally will be held in the gym where performances from cheer, drill team, band and color guard will take place. Watermelon will then be served in the courtyard for the tiger community to enjoy.
“I’m excited, it’s my first one,” senior Mariah Jones said. “I’m super excited about my senior year, I’ve faced trouble through my first two years of high school, but last year I didn’t. It helped me get back to the real me.”
Come on out for a sweet start to the school year.