Racheal Sizemore
October 15 will be the last day to donate socks for the Sock Drive. This drive is organized by the Operation 2018 enrichment class and sponsored by Ms. Nicholas.
“We came up with the idea on the second day of school. We were in Ms. Nicholas’ Operation 2018 enrichment and we were trying to come up with a project to help the community,” said sophomore Karson McDonald, Co-Coordinator of the Sock Drive. “We voted on the idea and within 30 minutes we had the idea approved by Mr. Bailey.”
This enrichment class was tasked with the challenge to figure out a way to solve a problem in their community. After many ideas were brainstormed, the class decided to target the people in their community who often go unrecognized.
“The purpose of the sock drive is to help out the homeless,” said sophomore Seth Phillips Co-Coordinator of the Sock Drive. “We want to help give them clean socks to wear on their feet and keep warm for the winter. Most importantly, however, we want them to own a pair of clean socks for once and not wear the same socks every day.”
The Sock Drive has received few donations so the Operation 2018 enrichment asks that the student body keep donating socks throughout the next three weeks. Their goal is to help as many people as possible have a warm and comfortable winter.