Painting the pit
Photo by Joseph Rodgers
Sophomores Jackson Cheney and Sarah Lingle work together to paint the pit, which is located outside the cafeteria.
September 6, 2017
Sophomore Student Council officers and members participated in the annual painting of the pit on Sept. 4. The tradition precedes the infamous Texas vs. Arkansas game which takes place on Friday, Sept. 8.
“The other sophomore officers and I came up with the design to spray paint on the grass a few weeks before we painted it,” sophomore Karson McDonald said. “More people showed up than expected, so we got it done a lot faster than we thought we would.”
This year, the pit was decorated in honor of Leonard Parks, a senior football player who passed away over the weekend.
“This year we painted a large ‘TX’ and in big letters. It says ‘TX Forever,’ and next to that is the shape of the state of Texas painted with the state colors from the state flag,” McDonald said. “We added the number six under ‘TX Forever’ as a remembrance for Leonard since it was his jersey number.”
photos by Joseph Rodgers