Promoting Positivity
Photo by Auryeal Parker
Students read their letters of encouragement given to them by various organizations on campus.
September 29, 2017
A new movement to spread positivity around the campus has emerged in the form of The Kindness Cart, which allows students and faculty to write encouraging messages on sticky notes to place on teachers’ doors.
Algebra teacher Nicole Ayers got the idea after seeing notes with positive messages in another teacher’s room.
“So many teachers and students have been using notes of positivity to help raise morale and build one another up,” Ayers said. “We wanted to put a supply station together so that we could move around the school to help ‘sprinkle kindness’ all over campus.”
The cart will move to different locations on campus each week, and Ayers encourages those who write them to post pictures of their kindness notes on social media with the hashtags #SprinkleYourSchoolWithKindess and #EarningOurStripes.
“We are just trying to build classroom culture of using Post-It notes to encourage others,” Ayers said. “I would just love to see people in the habit of looking outside of themselves and encouraging others. I want to see notes on every teacher’s door by the end of this year to keep the attitude of encouraging others.”
This idea of spreading kindness through notes of encouragement has flourished. Clubs and organizations have had students write uplifting notes to pass out to other students.
“These letters were important because it gave us the opportunity to come together as a student body,” senior Anna Kate Jordan said.
It was evident that the first couple of weeks of school had very unfortunate mishaps. Discovering a way to begin healing our student body, was necessary. Since then, students and teachers have been working nonstop to make a positive impact in our school.
“I commend Mrs. Diaz and Mrs. Ayers for creating this neat way to heal our student body,” Engineering teacher Julie Suelzer said. “However, it is heartbreaking that it took a tragedy to force people to look at the positive side of things and appreciate their personal relationships with others.”
Encouraging students to participate in random acts of kindness has been of importance to teachers. Their goal is to help students build more bonds with one another so that it creates a more uplifting environment.
“In my opinion, it’s very important that teachers set an example for students,” Suelzer said. “By us demonstrating kindness and how much we care for one another, we feel that the students will catch on and really want to treat others with more compassion and care.”