Sharing a love for books
Photo by Alexis Runnels
Library Club had their first meeting Friday, Oct. 13.
October 23, 2017
Inspired by the place that always welcomes students, Library Club is a new organization at Texas High thanks to the librarian Rachel Epley. Students who regularly visit the shelves wanted to make a group of students who shared the same passions and ideas.
“Its started with a group of friends just sitting in the library having nothing to do, just reading and it was kind of something that brought us together,” sophomore Andrea Loredo said. “It was a way for us to communicate with each other and a way for us to hopefully meet new people.
Epley began working as a librarian in 2015, and since then, she has been trying to make the library a safe place for everyone to come together through their love for books.
“When I started working here there wasn’t a Library Club and after getting to know a lot of the students, which were frequent visitors who came to the library all the time, I got a few asking about a Library Club or if we could start one,” Epley said. “I got into it and did some research and thought that it could be a good idea.”
Although the main focus will be sharing the enthusiasm students feel for books, the club will also be doing service projects, including: creating crafts to sell in order to buy new books for high schools in Houston, giving books to elementary schools and raising funds to go on a trip to a book convention.
“I love seeing people excited about coming into the library. I love seeing students come in whenever I have a new box of books. Some people like being in the cafeteria at lunch with the crowd and some people just like a nice quiet place,” Epley said. “Now [students] can meet and talk about books and do projects that can help the community”