Goin’ Outback
History teacher plans trip to Australia in 2019
Photo by Victoria Van
November 21, 2017
In the summer of 2019, history teacher Daniel Williams will be hosting a trip to Australia. The trip will consist of visiting the Sydney Tower, Brisbane, Capricorn Caves, traveling by ferry to Queensland Island and much more.
“[The trip] will be after the 4th of July to the end of July,” Williams said. “We don’t really have specific dates at the moment but we’ll get them soon. It’s a two week trip and you get to see the whole East Coast of Australia.”
Williams was inspired by another History teacher, Lance Kyles, to make his own dream trip come true.
“So Mr. Kyles is doing this trip to Europe and he recruited me to recruit other students, and I did, so I get to go to Europe with him,” Williams said. “[Kyles] said that I should do a trip as well so I picked Australia because I always wanted to go there and it’ll be a big thing for some students.”
Williams acknowledges that some of his students have not traveled out of Texarkana or the state, let alone the country, so he believes that this will be a great first-time experience.
“I want the students to go get some culture, a lot of us have never done that,” Williams said. “It’s a good first experience to travel because we’re going to a place where they speak English, which is a bonus because you never really worry about not being able to communicate in general, like in Europe. Also, just getting the experience of traveling and to go to an international airport [is more comfortable] because that can be really scary, especially a non-American one.”
For some of the upperclassmen, this will be their last high school trip they’ll have before heading off to make more amazing experiences outside of high school.
“It’s a good bonding experience for a lot of students that are juniors this year, it will be their senior trip and it’s their last big fun thing to do before they go to college, so that’s very exciting,” Williams said.
This trip is welcome for anyone to join. Students that are 19 and under during the trip go at the student rate and anyone who is over 19 will go at the adult rate.
“We are hoping to get somewhere between 18 and 30 students to sign up,” Williams said. “We would love to get around 18 more students so that we can get a really big group because the bigger the group, the most fun we’ll have.”
To be further informed about the trip to Australia Summer 2019, visit room 102 or refer to the Educational Tours page: https://www.eftours.com/educational-tour/sydney-great-barrier-reef
ozmaver • Nov 22, 2017 at 11:38 pm
Just a tip its Winter here in July, sometimes it gets down under 80 degree’s so bring your winter woolies.
And yes we speak English, its the same as yours only completely different.
I know you’ll have a good time and as to the over exaggerated stories of the wildlife here trying to kill you, well you’re part of the food chain wherever you are, you have bears and lions I believe?