Kentucky school shooting at Marshall County High School

Story by Emma Anderson, staff writer

A cloud of sadness and dread enveloped Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky, at around 8 am this morning after a shooting occurred on the school campus.

According to CBS News, the 15-year-old male suspect has been apprehended. The motive for the shooting is still unknown, along with the identity of the suspect. Local, state and federal police are investigating the shooting and the possible motive.

At 7:57 am, the suspect entered the school and soon after opened fire using a handgun. The 911 call came in about 2 minutes later. Police responded and arrived on scene at 8:06 am. At least two people are deceased, a 15-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl. Authorities say at least 12 more are injured but the exact number is still unknown. According to witnesses at the time of the shooting, “students were busting down the gates and fences just to get out.”

At the time of his arrival to the school, junior Greg Rodgers saw students racing out of the building.

“I pulled off to the side of the road because everyone was running to the main road. I asked my friend what was going on and he said that there had been a school shooting,” Rodgers said. “I was shocked, he said that someone had just shot up the school.”

Governor Matt Bevin released a statement on Twitter saying, “This is a tremendous tragedy and speaks to the heartbreak present in our communities. It is unbelievable that this would happen in a small, close-knit community like Marshall County. As there is still much unknown, I encourage people to love each other at this time. Do not speculate, but come alongside each other in support and allow the facts to come out.”

Updates are still to come, but it is known that the crime scene is no longer active and the police have no reason to believe there is another suspect.