Holland Rainwater
Texas High students reunite before the school year at summer Space Jam. Money raised from the dance was donated to Student Council. The dance was not school sponsored.
A holiday dance will be held Dec. 29 to raise money for the Texarkana Animal Shelter. The theme: Ski Lodge. Associated with their semester project for their leadership class, seniors Hartley Spaulding and Kearstan Williams are hosting this dance to benefit a good cause and plan a fun time for high school students in Texarkana. The dance is not school-sponsored.
“We know a lot of people enjoy the back-to-school dances, so we thought [the Holiday Spinoff] would be a great way to raise money for a good cause,” Williams said.
The success of the back-to-school dances generated extra excitement for the holiday version. Tickets are being sold for $10 and details about the dance can be obtained on social media or from the two hostesses.
“We often sell [tickets] on Saturday nights at the Richmond Sonic or Target, and our numbers are on the flyers,” Spaulding said. “We also had many people share the flyer on their Snapchat stories with our usernames. Many people have contacted us that way.”
This past summer, numerous party goers were sent away during Space Jam when the facility reached maximum occupancy. However, this problem will be resolved leading up to the Holiday Spinoff.
“We have made it clear on the flyers that there are only 300 tickets being sold,” Spaulding said. “We won’t sell any at the door, even if we don’t sell out before then.”