Male birth control
The pill for men
Photo by Sydney Rowe
April 8, 2020
Contraception options for men in the past have not been the most reliable or preferred.
With that being said, a more universal practice is the use of condoms. However, condoms have proven to not be completely reliable. More extreme measures like getting an irreversible vasectomy can be scary for men who just want a temporary fix. Male birth control pills have recently passed safety testing after being taken by a group of healthy men daily for a month. The pill is called Dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU).
Is DMAU Safe?
Research from a study in “The Journal of Clinical and Endocrinology & Metabolism” says that a single dose of DMAU, up to 800 mg, is safe for men to take and that for ideal levels of serum to be produced, food should be taken with the pill.
How Does DMAU Work?
DMAU works by suppressing two male hormones. One is the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is a hormone critical to puberty and function in male testes. The other hormone is the Luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates testosterone production. These hormones in conjunction decrease production of sperm safely without causing low testosterone symptoms.
“If there were no permanent negative side effects or symptoms that make you feel bad, I would probably take it when I become active,” Kyler Lloyd said.
What Side Effects May Come With DMAU?
Men included in the study reported some minor side effects caused by the use of the pill. Although no long term testing has been done, the results suggest that there would be little to no negative impact over longer periods of time. Some side effects may include acne, headaches and decreased sex drive.
“Though it could have possible side effects, the pill can hopefully prevent pregnancy. I would consider taking it especially since I’m a teen and I wouldn’t want a baby in highschool,” Angel Perez said.
Would Men Actually Take It?
Since the pill is still in its experimental phase and is not ready to be distributed to the public, it is hard to know for certain whether men would actually consider adopting the pill into their daily routine. Therefore the future and further development of the supplement is left unknown.
“I would not take the pill because there are more options out there. I don’t want to put something into my body that no one knows the long term effects of,” Isaias Pena said.
How Would It Impact Men’s Lives?
Much like birth control for women, the pill would have to be taken consistently everyday to be effective for men. If they stop taking the pill, sperm production would continue as normal. The possible side effects that come with taking the pill are not permanent. Men can stop taking the pill whenever they wish to and everything will continue as usual.
“Having to remember to take the pill everyday would be a huge responsibility but I think it would be worth it, especially if it would help decrease unwanted pregnancy,” sophomore Andrew Rasberry said.