Embracing ethnicities
Texas High multicultural club organizes diversity day fashion show
Photo by Eddy Rosales
Texas High students celebrate their unique cultures by participating in a fashion show featuring traditional attire. This is the multicultural clubs second year putting on this event.
February 25, 2023
Dozens of students dressed in their colorful traditional attire crowd in the math and science building waiting to be announced. Their name is called, and they make their way down the stairs with a smile on their face, students cheering for them.
On Feb. 24, Texas High’s multicultural club organized and hosted a diversity day fashion show during enrichment for students from different cultures to showcase their backgrounds. This was the second year the club organized this event.
“We based off the event from the first one last year,” senior Valeria Escelara said. “We opened it up to all students and they signed up through our Instagram page. From there we had them walk down the stairs in the math and science building.”
Though the turnout wasn’t as big as last year, the event was still successful because students were still able to showcase their culture and see the diversity among the student population, which was the ultimate goal.
“It was less than last year, but I am pleased with the outcome,” Escelara said. “The students who participated looked amazing. The overall goal was to show how diverse our student population is and show awareness and appreciation towards them.”
It can be a little nerve-wracking to wear something different from your usual attire and display it in front of a crowd, but it’s good to get out of your comfort zone, discover yourself and learn about others.
“This event made me feel nervous because it was out of my comfort zone,” senior Gwen Khou said. “However, it was also very fulfilling because I got to not only show off something special to me, but I also got to see glimpses of other people’s identity through this event.”