Fun in the sun
Leader In Me celebrates year’s accomplishments with carnival day
Photo by Gracie Tucker
Dunbar student Nova Dawson races out of inflatable obstacle course tunnel at the Leader In Me Hall of Fame carnival. Numerous students were celebrated for their achievements from the past year.
April 26, 2023
Water splashes as a student drops down into a cold tank of water, children race through an inflatable obstacle course, bean bags fly from board to board and, most importantly, happy children’s laughs fill the Sullivan Arts Center parking lot on April 25, 2023, for the Leader In Me Hall of Fame.
“I was in ASL honors one day when Mrs.Huggins said she needed someone to be a participant in the dunk tank,” junior Zoey Benest said. “Unfortunately I raised my hand, but watching the kids have fun makes the cold not as bad.”
Leader In Me worked hard to plan this event, with the goal to celebrate each kid’s accomplishments for the school year. However big or small, all of them are victories.
“It doesn’t matter who you are, it doesn’t matter where you’re from or how old you are,” ASL teacher Britni Huggins said. “You can have a huge personal accomplishment, and the Hall of Fame is our end of the year celebration for those victories.”
The event focused on Leader In Me habits that students have shown throughout the year, and even though everyone couldn’t be recognized, everyone shows the traits of a leader.
“We decided we wanted to open it up to the community because all of our kids do a good job of showcasing those traits,” vice principal Julius Anderson said. “They can’t always be the one that’s nominated or selected, but we wanted everyone to just have a good time realizing that being good in life means that we need to make sure that we focus on the important aspects and recognize kids for doing that as a good thing.”
Students who helped participate in the event worked hard to plan the fun for the students. Each student was in charge of a different fun activity.
“[I was over the] basketball toss. The kids stand back and try to make it in three shots. The kids get candy if they win,” junior Brooklyn Ballard said. “The money we raise goes to next year’s class, so we can try to do more events like the Hall of Fame.”
Leader In Me put their all into the event, and the parking lot was filled with a number of games and food trucks. Everyone worked hard to get the event together, and the results were all positive.
“I think it’s really cool because we have lots of food trucks and a lot of games for the kids out here,” sophomore Jakesslynn Walker. “Kids are really having a lot of fun with the dunk tank, and it’s a really fun experience for the people to come out here and support us.”