Students scour the halls of Texas High School admiring the signs and posters displayed throughout the main hall walls and various other buildings on campus. Many of these displays’ purposes are to show off work students completed or small messages of encouragement to help motivate students to excel in their given classes.
Leader in Me paired up with the art club on Sept. 28, 2023 to face up the main hall restrooms. The lighthouse team wanted to revamp the bathrooms by making signs to hang up on the walls with words of kindness, thereby encouraging students to spread positivity and solicitude throughout the campus.
“I feel that updating these bathrooms with positive messages just reminds students that people do care and that they aren’t alone on campus,” lighthouse instructor Britni Huggins said. “We’re trying to connect with students and do something positive for them and just for our school in general.”
Leader in Me focuses on all the aspects of being a leader which includes spreading kindness to one another as it goes a long way. Reaching out to the art department gave the lighthouse team not only an opportunity to find support in their project, but also an opportunity to connect with another club on campus to solidify their message. Art club members were happy to partake in this project as they were able to show off their artistic abilities and kind hearts.
“I was delighted to help make the signs for Leader In Me because I was still doing something I loved while also spreading a good message for students around campus,” senior William Ramage said. “Our bathrooms have always been kind of dull, so the posters will definitely make everything feel a lot more welcoming.”
By displaying these positive messages around the school, the lighthouse team reminds students how far a kind word could go and how important it is to be kind to one another.
“Taking part in this project and helping to organize the process has been an honor,” senior Lola Vanderburg said. “We still have much more progress to be made but hopefully we can expand this idea throughout our entire campus.”