The Student Center hums with activity, with rising eighth graders chattering and laughing. Booklets rustle in eager hands as students weave past booths, asking teachers and representatives. about the various groups and classes that await them.
On Jan. 27, 2025, eighth-graders and underclassmen participated in Experience THS, an annual event held in the campus’ Student Center. The participants of this event looked to gain insight into future classes, careers, and on-campus organizations.
“Experience THS serves Multiple purposes for the rising eighth graders,” Geography Teacher and Model U.N. sponsor Michelle Crane said. “It gives them a chance to talk to the teachers and get a feel for what kind of classes they’re going to be expected to take.”
The event itself featured many booths, including those of classes and clubs such as engineering, publications, BPA, student council, and other Dual Credit programs.
“I didn’t know how many different clubs there were to participate in and how interesting they all are,” incoming freshman Alex Adams said. “I’m thinking about taking Tigervision and some Dual Credit classes in the upcoming school year.”
Students from Texas High contributed to the event by connecting with students and discussing potential future careers.
“This is my first year helping with Experience THS,” sophomore Lujain Nseirat said. “I talked to students about what they wanted to pursue in their future and prepared them for the work they’re going to receive depending on the classes they plan to take.”
Texas High gave eighth-graders and their families a tour of the school. Students took tours of the CTE labs, the Sullivan Performing Arts Center, and the Math and Science Building intending to get a feel for how the school works before starting their freshman year.
“This is my third year helping with the event,” junior Griffin White said. “While touring incoming freshmen, I help advise students on weighted classes, advanced placement, and Dual Credit.”
Experience THS continues to be something that students remember when entering Texas High. As incoming freshmen receive choice sheets this week, the experience will help them decide which classes they take and what jobs they want to pursue.
If you or your child didn’t get to attend Experience THS, be sure to contact Mrs. Stark at [email protected] to get more information about classes and programs that your student may be interested in.