Tigers on top

Tigers win their second district game against Lindale

Photo by Bailey Groom

Senior Demarquis Vaughn attempts to pass the ball. The Tigers won against Lindale on Jan. 15.

Story by Caden Rainwater, staff writer

The varsity basketball team defeated the Lindale Eagles Jan. 15 in a close game that resulted in a game clinching breakaway in the final quarter for a score of 68-49.

In the first quarter, senior Kyle Wright had the crowd on their feet after knocking down five three pointers, his last of the quarter going through just as the buzzer rang through the gymnasium. Wright would go on to score a total of 25 points.

“I felt really hot, but my teammates really take the pressure off,” Wright said. “They gave me the shots.”

Throughout the game, Wright and junior Cedric Kelley showed great teamwork with a combined total of 54 points.

“Me and Kyle have had really good chemistry since last year,” junior Cedric Kelley said. “We both started varsity last year, and have worked together since.”

However, the Lindale Eagles clung onto a chance of gaining the lead until the second half where the Tigers took off extending the lead to 19 points before the final buzzer.

“In the second half we made a couple of silly mistakes, but then we started getting back into the game.” Wright said. “We felt like we kept control of the game, so we didn’t have the mindset of losing.”

As the season rolls into district play, practices are getting more important and the teamwork is beginning to strengthen.

“We’re just going to take one step at a time,” Wright said. “We have our Sulphur Springs game coming up, and we’re looking forward to it.”