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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Ali Richter

Ali Richter, Copy Editor

[email protected]

Senior Ali Richter is a sassy second year on the Tiger times newspaper staff. After completing her junior year and surviving, she plans to take it easy her senior year. Doctors have already confirmed a pretty serious case of senioritis. If she ends up graduating high school, she hopes to become a psychiatrist so that at least she will be compensated for listening to people’s problems. However, if the whole psychiatrist thing doesn’t work out for her she hopes to marry rich and create a new reality TV show about her life, and make billions for no reason just like the Kardashians.

All content by Ali Richter
Photo illustration

Leaping into adulthood

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
April 12, 2017
Sophomore Grant Rommel lunges for the ball during the last match of the district tennis tournament. The tournament took place on April 5-6 at Texas High.

Keeping up the tradition

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
April 10, 2017
The removal of the bushes in the courtyard is part of an ongoing project by administration to beautify the campus.

Bye bye bushes

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
April 4, 2017
Graphic by Alex O'Gorman

Bachelor auction to be held Feb. 20

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
January 11, 2017
Senior Ali Richter poses with her grandfather, Edgar Allen Richter. Richter passed away Nov. 1, at the age of 76. Submitted photo

Without you

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
December 18, 2016
Freshman Walker Trippe returns a ball to his opponent.

Smack that

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
November 14, 2016
Club members sign in at a meeting.

Service is key

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
November 5, 2016
A group of students chat animatedly at last year's Homecoming dance.

No place like Homecoming

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
October 18, 2016
Mental toughness training

Mental toughness training

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
September 27, 2016
A legend returns

A legend returns

Story by Ali Richter, copy editor
August 29, 2016
Senior Aubrey Cramer serves the ball.

Going down swinging

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
May 5, 2016
It’s going to be a PROM-ising night

It’s going to be a PROM-ising night

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
April 28, 2016


Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
March 29, 2016
Senior Anna Graves signs thirst project jug in support of her pledge.

Thirsty for pledges

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
March 23, 2016
Tigers dominate tennis in Ennis

Tigers dominate tennis in Ennis

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
March 1, 2016
Are you SAD?

Are you SAD?

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
February 8, 2016
Student Council members pose for a picture at Lakeview. Submitted photo.

Taking leaps in leadership

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
January 29, 2016
Haunting breakups

Haunting breakups

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
January 26, 2016
The bushes were removed from the courtyard over Christmas break.

A clean slate

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
January 12, 2016
Dodge for a cause

Dodge for a cause

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
December 3, 2015
What not to wear

What not to wear

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
November 18, 2015
The inside of a church Ali Richter has visited during her travels. Submitted photo.

Just massing around

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
November 13, 2015
Brawn versus brains

Brawn versus brains

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
November 5, 2015
submitted photos

Around the world in 90 days

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
October 15, 2015
Embracing my roots

Embracing my roots

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
September 14, 2015
Juniors Olivia Johnson and Jillian Cheney, playfully enjoy watermelon. The annual Watermelon Supper was held the Saturday before school started.

A juicy start back to class

Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
August 24, 2015
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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
Ali Richter