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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Cate Rounds

Cate Rounds, editor in chief

Cate Rounds is a senior returning for her third and final year as a member of the Tiger Times Staff. She has the honor of being Editor in Chief along with her partner in crime, Peyton Sims. When she’s not in Room 50B working on stories or page designs, Cate can usually be found on stage in some musical somewhere. She is counting down the days until she will finally be able to graduate, but until then, she is enjoying her final days as a high school student. Despite the fact that the pandemic has changed many aspects of normal life, she has never been more excited to be a part of the newspaper. With all the events happening around the world, Cate believes that 2020 is the best time to be a journalist. She knows this year will be challenging and even a little weird, but she is determined to make this year the best it can be for the staff. Cate is optimistic for what the future of journalism holds.

All content by Cate Rounds
Editors-in-chief Cate Rounds and Peyton Sims work together or planning their next print in-depth story.

More than one leading role

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
May 26, 2021
The classes are harder, you’re in a different environment and this is probably the first time you have been completely independent.

Breaking the code

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
April 21, 2021
On April 6, students experienced a glitch in the state's EOC test. All E1 testers will report to their testing locations to complete the English I EOC on Thursday, April 8.

Glitch in the system

Story by Cate Rounds and Doug Kyles
April 6, 2021
Some of the most recognizable careers don’t require a college degree at all. In fact, students do not need to get a college degree in order to have a profitable career that also makes them happy.

Dreaming beyond the degree

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
April 5, 2021
photo illustration

Where do we begin?

Story by Peyton Sims and Cate Rounds
March 3, 2021
2020: A year in review

2020: A year in review

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
March 3, 2021
COVID escalates in Texarkana area

COVID escalates in Texarkana area

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
March 3, 2021
AP exam registration

AP exam registration

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
February 24, 2021
Seniors Malley Wallace and Endsley Norman sled down a snowy hill on Feb. 15. While the cold weather has proved to be fun, some people struggle with knowing how to properly tackle the snow.

The cold never bothered us anyway

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
February 17, 2021
The football players huddle together with their adrenaline still high after yet another win. The Tigers finished their 2020 season as District Champs.

Walking over the Wildcats

Story by Doug Kyles and Cate Rounds
December 5, 2020
The group of wizards position themselves to prepare to cast a spell. The performance "Puffs" was held in the Sullivan Performing Arts Center Nov. 7-9.

Third or nothing! 

Story by Peyton Sims and Cate Rounds
November 18, 2020
While the spooky season looks a little different this year, people can still take part in festivities beginning with the Perot Theatre’s first-ever “Movie Mash” held Saturday, Oct. 24. This will be the first event held in the Perot since the coronavirus outbreak in March.

Frights on the screen, six feet in between

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
October 23, 2020
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation has recently named seniors Jenna and Kate Woodard as semifinalists in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program.

Acknowledging their achievements

Story by Cate Rounds, editor in chief
October 15, 2020
Debbie Nicholas sits in front of her most recent painting she's been working on. Numerous other pieces of art are displayed throughout ARTS on Broad.

The art of retirement

Story by Cate Rounds, Editor in Chief
July 12, 2020
Freshman Lydia Lee plays tennis on the Texas High tennis court. Lee has played since she was three years old.

Making a racket

Story by Cate Rounds, culture editor
April 25, 2020

Reversed senioritis

Story by Peyton Sims and Cate Rounds
April 18, 2020
Taking care of unfinished business

Taking care of unfinished business

Story by Cate Rounds, culture editor
December 20, 2019
Photo Illustration

The VSCO-pocalypse

Story by Cate Rounds, entertainment editor
September 24, 2019
Photo illustration

As luck would have it

Story by Cate Rounds, culture editor
September 13, 2019
Graphic by Kaitlyn Gordon

A desire to design

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
May 1, 2019
The not-so-level playing field

The not-so-level playing field

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
March 25, 2019
Traveling across the soccer field, sophomore Megan Dineen dribbles down the sideline. The Lady Tigers played against Sulphur Springs.

Going out on top

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
March 19, 2019
photo from The Hands of Time tour

Return of a classic drama

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
February 27, 2019
Texarkana College employees celebrate the opening of the Betty & Buddy Ledwell Workforce Training Center. The building opened on the TC campus on Nov. 27, 2018.

Trailing behind

Story by Cate Rounds and Joseph Rodgers
January 14, 2019
Graphic by Holland Rainwater

Singing in the public’s eye

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
January 14, 2019
Students enjoy their down time at the local Steak 'N Shake. Throughout the years, hangouts have evolved from drive-ins to the multiple restaurants we see today.

History of hangouts

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
November 14, 2018
Graphic by Holland Rainwater

Shakespeare in love

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
November 13, 2018
Graphic by Margaret Debenport

Boosting up the Tigers

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
November 10, 2018
Football lockers are decorated with gifts from the mothers of players. This tradition started  to get mothers more involved with football.

Locking up success

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
November 9, 2018
Last minute

Last minute

Story by Audrey Haskins and Cate Rounds
October 31, 2018
A member of the Texas High Thespians uses the soundboard to further emphasize the story onstage. The Tiger Theatre Company hosted the play "Metamorphoses" from Oct. 18 to Oct. 21.

The unsung heroes of the stage

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
October 22, 2018
Procrastinating Perfectionists

Procrastinating Perfectionists

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
October 17, 2018
Theater students practice combat exercises at the University of Houston. The workshop was held during Labor Day weekend.

En garde!

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
September 13, 2018
Newk's Eatery will open on Dec. 1. The restaurant will serve sandwiches, salads,  and pizzas.

News on Newk’s

Story by Cate Rounds, staff writer
September 10, 2018
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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
Cate Rounds