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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Colton Johnson

Colton Johnson, editor in chief

If a tragically humiliating outbreak of stress hives the week before Prom didn’t stop senior Colton Johnson from obtaining ⅓ of the power over the print newspaper along with his fearless co-editors in chief, then it seems that nothing can truly break this free flyin colt (knock on wood). In his three years serving on the newspaper staff, he has stumbled his way through InDesign, gotten into one too many political debates and learned to utterly loathe the oxford comma. He balances his schedule by, well, he doesn’t. Time management is not a gal he has befriended quite yet; she’s more of an acquaintance at the moment. While being the “good cop” of the newspaper, he can also be found hiding out in the hallowed halls of the theater surrounded by a bunch of crazy thespians. This thespian is probably stunting in something thrifted from goodwill, but you wouldn’t know that. He hopes to audition for colleges and be as successful as Rachel Berry even though the odds may not exactly be in his favor. He is excited for his senior year and hopes that the pictures and videos that come out of it will be up to par for his Instagram. He makes it through the day by remembering to live for the moments, knowing that there are always better things to come and standing out of sunroofs when he feels most alive. [email protected]

All content by Colton Johnson
Photo Illustration

Exhume their stories

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
March 12, 2018
English teacher Michele Rigdon works on grading papers. She teaches multiple English classes and is dedicated to the success of her students.

The source behind the success

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
February 27, 2018
Photo from

It’s just government secrets

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
January 22, 2018
Senior Colton Johnson and freshman Cate Rounds sing together during "Oklahoma" practice. The show will open tomorrow, and stay open through the weekend.

The curtain is calling

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
January 11, 2018
It's just stage fright

It’s just stage fright

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
November 30, 2017
photo from creative commons

On a high note

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
November 14, 2017
Senior Olivia Parks and junior Paisley Allen gush over the cast list for the Tiger Theatre's Company production.

OK let’s meet the cast

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
November 9, 2017
Senior Bree Barnett, center, plays the character "Ambrosia" in the performance “A Chemical Imbalance: A Jekyll and Hyde Play.” The show is focused in the Victorian Era, and satirically comments on society.

The experiment has been a success

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
October 17, 2017
These flowers are located under former Leonard Park's locker.

The legacy you leave behind

Story by Colton Johnson, Editor in Chief
September 8, 2017
Breaking through the glass

Breaking through the glass

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
September 5, 2017
Seniors Brennon Cope and Colton Johnson put their heads together in excitement after finding out what roles they will be performing.

Meet the cast for the upcoming theater production

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
September 2, 2017
Theatre auditions coming soon

Theatre auditions coming soon

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
August 27, 2017
Students enthusiastically greet one another during the first Tiger Theatre Company camp.

Back to the Stage

Story by Colton Johnson, Editor in Chief
August 18, 2017
Taking action to overcome eating disorder

Taking action to overcome eating disorder

Story by Colton Johnson, editor in chief
June 28, 2017
Holly Mooneyham helps a student in one of her freshman English classes. Mooneyham grew up in an abusive home and was eventually put into foster care, but she was able to overcome her past to become a successful teacher.

Leaving a broken cycle

Story by Colton Johnson, feature editor
April 24, 2017
File photo.

Financial help available for prom tickets

Story by Colton Johnson, feature editor
April 19, 2017

[Photo] Mirror, mirror on the wall

Story by Langley Leverett, feature editor
December 7, 2016
Flames consume a page of her journal. She has kept a journal for all four years of high school to help her cope with her father's alcoholism and her brother's drug addiction.

Burn it

Story by Colton Johnson, feature editor
November 16, 2016
Photo Illustration: For the sake of appearances, parents often force their children to participate in activities they aren't interested in, such as cheerleading.

A light in the dark

Story by Colton Johnson, feature editor
November 2, 2016
Photo illustration. Illustrations by Colton Johnson.

Pumpkin up the party now

Story by Colton Johnson, feature editor
October 28, 2016
Theater students act in Saturday night's performance.

Breaking hearts while breaking a leg

Story by Colton Johnson, feature editor
October 24, 2016
Bruises and broken bottles

Bruises and broken bottles

Story by Colton Johnson, feature editor
October 18, 2016
Senior Ohemaa Barnes raises a fist, echoing the Black Power movement of the '60s. Barnes aroused controversy when she kneeled during the national anthem Saturday morning.

She will not be silenced

Story by Colton Johnson, feature editor
September 28, 2016
Art students compete in annual contest

Art students compete in annual contest

Story by Colton Johnson, staff writer
March 23, 2016
Writing it down

Writing it down

Story by Colton Johnson, staff writer
January 5, 2016
Sophomore Savanna Kennedy writes song lyrics in her journal.

Pitch perfect

Story by Colton Johnson, staff writer
December 8, 2015
Turning the page

Turning the page

Story by Colton Johnson, staff writer
October 27, 2015
Before I die I want to

Before I die I want to

Story by Colton Johnson, staff writer
August 29, 2015
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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
Colton Johnson