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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Doug Kyles

Doug Kyles, Editor-in-Chief

Doug Kyles knew he would be EIC someday from the first time he walked into the publication room. It’s not necessarily because he’s especially talented, but he does indeed enjoy the power. Doug is President/Captain/Officer/Editor of 5 clubs and organizations here at Texas High School, so talk to him if you’re interested in joining Theatre, Debate, UIL Social Studies, or DECA. In his free time, he enjoys going on backpacking trips through Arkansas, working out, and meditating. Someday, he will be either a trauma surgeon at a rural hospital in Montana or a financial manager in New York City.

All content by Doug Kyles
Rates of students and their bags being searched has increased exponentially in March.

Students, not suspects

Story by Doug Kyles, Editor In Chief
May 12, 2022
A man in a graduation cap prepares for battle. The possibility of Americans being drafted for the war in Ukraine is a concern to many.

Putting a stop to Putin

Story by Doug Kyles, Editor-In-Chief
April 27, 2022
The SARM shortcut

The SARM shortcut

Story by Doug Kyles, Editor-in-Chief
March 7, 2022
Locals line an overpass in anticipation for the “Freedom Convoy”  to stop in Texarkana. Those in support of the truckers raised funds and gathered supplies for their journey across the country to DC.

Honk for freedom

Story by Doug Kyles
March 3, 2022
Head Librarian Brooke Ferguson ensures her library is a comfortable space for the students of Texas High.

A second home

Story by Doug Kyles, Editor-in-Chief
March 1, 2022

Abortion Debate

Story by Doug Kyles and Joseph Haynes-Stewart
December 15, 2021
A demolition dumpster sits outside of the former Domino Federal Credit Union at 2208 Kennedy Lane which was purchased by Texarkana ISD last May. TISD Maintenance crews have started work on the remodeling of the building, but the plans for the future use of the building have not been made public by the school district.

[Photo] Building the future

Story by Melissa Singleton, Staff Writer
November 15, 2021
Student body officers, senior Will Carter, Ethan Power and Helen Clark Hays, read names of those who battled cancer during the playoff pep rally at Tiger Stadium Nov. 9.

[Photo] Third time’s a charm

Story by Nashita Kalam, Staff Writer
November 10, 2021
Senior Maddie Frost embraces Annie in the Tiger Theatre Company's dress rehearsal of the play "Annie." The show opens Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. in the Sullivan Performing Arts Center on the Campus of Texas High School.

Anticipating Annie

Story by Doug Kyles, Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2021
Texas High's Javarous Tyson returns an intercepted lateral from the Marshall Maverick's quarterback in the Tiger's 27-12 victory at Tiger Stadium on Oct. 9, 2021. The Tigers improved their season record to 4 - 0 overall and 1 - 0 in district play.

Marching past Marshall

Story by Doug Kyles and Phoebe Neff
October 9, 2021
During the 2018 Texas v. Arkansas game Texas High Varsity football players attempt to break out of an opposing teammate's grasp to make it into the end zone. The Texas High Tigers played the Arkansas Razorbacks on September 8, 2018.

This little piggy went home

Story by Doug Kyles, Editor-In-Chief
August 26, 2021
Patti O'Bannon takes over Texas High School principal position after departure of Carla Dupree last May. O'Bannon previously served as Nash Elementary principal within Texarkana ISD.

A new era

Story by Doug Kyles, Editor-In-Chief
July 21, 2021
A price to pay

A price to pay

Story by Doug Kyles, News Editor
April 14, 2021

A winning warning

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
April 13, 2021
On April 6, students experienced a glitch in the state's EOC test. All E1 testers will report to their testing locations to complete the English I EOC on Thursday, April 8.

Glitch in the system

Story by Cate Rounds and Doug Kyles
April 6, 2021
Junior Jeremy Creek performs as the only male character in the One Act Play put on by the Tiger Theatre Company. The five actors competed along with their tech crew at Sulphur Springs, advancing in the UIL competition.

The sky is the limit

Story by Doug Kyles, news story
March 10, 2021
Overwhelmed by the chaos, a students phones a family member to alert them of the bomb threat on the school. Since January, three bomb threats have been made on THS.

Triple threat

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
March 2, 2021
Junior Maddie Frost and senior Lia Grahm perform during Tiger Theater Company's UIL One Act Play, "Silent Sky." The Tiger Theater Company has been constantly hard at work in preparation to compete.

Playing the past

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
March 1, 2021
On Feb. 15, residents of Texarkana looked out their windows to see endless amounts of snow. School has already been canceled on Feb. 17 due to predicted snow fall.

An angry climate’s consequences

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
February 16, 2021
The 2021 graduation is scheduled for May 29 at Tiger Stadium at Grim Park. The ceremony will begin at 10a.m., and each student will receive six guest tickets.

Glad to have grad

Story by Peyton Sims and Doug Kyles
February 5, 2021
On Jan. 26, Texas High School students evacuated to the track due to a bomb threat. The Texarkana College Police Department provided extra security as students were escorted back to class.

THS bomb threat

Story by Peyton Sims, Doug Kyles and Sophie Spakes
January 26, 2021
TISD Superintendent Doug Brubaker discusses  the future of Texas High with the staff of Tiger Times. Brubaker's first day on the job was Jan. 4.

Brubaker’s beginning

Story by Peyton Sims and Doug Kyles
January 14, 2021
In years past, there has been a reckoning that comes with the end of the semester.

Escaping exams

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
December 15, 2020
The football players huddle together with their adrenaline still high after yet another win. The Tigers finished their 2020 season as District Champs.

Walking over the Wildcats

Story by Doug Kyles and Cate Rounds
December 5, 2020
Whether it’s your “basic human rights” or “all your guns,” Americans on both sides are told every four years that the future of their freedom and democracy is on the line.

The case against polarization

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
December 1, 2020
Due to COVID-19, many colleges nationwide have decided to not make the ACT/SAT a requirement, leaving seniors all across the country confused about what they should do instead, how this decision will affect the college application process and how they should go about the process considering these new standards. 

[Photo] Tests that once meant everything

Story by Logan Diggs, managing editor
November 15, 2020
Doug Brubaker speaks to an audience in the Sullivan Preforming Arts Center.  He was announced as the TISD Lone Finalist on Nov. 10.

Bringing in Brubaker

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
November 10, 2020
What democracy determined

What democracy determined

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
November 3, 2020
The school nurse takes a student's temperature. Students are being forced to quarantine based on COVID-19 related symptoms.

Quick ticket to quarantine

Story by Doug Kyles, News Editor
November 3, 2020
It’s easy to understand criticism of the dress code; the policy which was designed to maintain an optimal learning environment pulls students away from class and lands them in trouble that, in a student’s mind, is all for naught.

Defending dress code

Story by Doug Kyles, News editor
November 2, 2020
A Texas High student participates in the mock election. Flyers were posted around campus Oct. 29.

Make your voice heard

Story by Doug Kyles, News editor
October 29, 2020
photo illustration.

Merits of the masks

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
September 22, 2020
1 million cases later

1 million cases later

Story by Doug Kyles, Staff Writer
May 12, 2020
Junior Cort Rainwater sits isolated in his truck while looking out at the Texas High School Campus. Students did not return to in-person classes following spring break due to COVID-19.

The light at the end of this tunnel

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
May 1, 2020
Photo Illustration

It’s a good day to dye

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
April 26, 2020
In the roller coaster of ups and downs that high school offers, these eight reasons supporting sophomore supremacy make it clear 10th graders are in a great position. For the most part, sophomores get away with using their remaining youth to avoid responsibility and emerging adulthood to justify their freedoms. 

Sophomore supremacy

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
April 17, 2020
Senior Clara Smith sits at her dining room table working on her assignments. Texas High School transitioned to online education following the spread of COVID-19.

That’s so old-school

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
April 16, 2020

Taking scripture to our screens

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
April 4, 2020
Photo Illustration

Battling burnout

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
March 13, 2020
New kid on the walk

New kid on the walk

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
March 12, 2020
Photo courtesy of TXK Today

Faith amongst flames

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
March 10, 2020
The reality of reopening

The reality of reopening

Story by Doug Kyles, news editor
February 20, 2020
Graphic by Kaitlyn Rogers

Up in smoke

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
February 7, 2020
Junior Macy Sloan pets her horse, Jazz. Sloan has participated in competitive dressage events for the past four years.

Saddling up for success

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
January 10, 2020
Photo illustration. Adults are quick to blame technology or material greed for teen’s lack of enthusiasm with Christmas. Far too often, the surreal Christmas experience fades away with childhood and teenagers are left in the holiday season reminiscing on their childhood experiences.

Rekindle Christmas

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
December 16, 2019
Photo Illustration. A student is handcuffed to their backpack symbolizing the restraint of homework over school breaks.

The holiday break burden

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
November 28, 2019
Sophomore defensive back Jalen Jones attempts to tackle Frisco Independence quarterback Braylon Braxton as he scores a touchdown in the second quarter of the 5A D1 Area playoff game on Nov. 22 at Tiger Stadium. The Tigers met an end to their football season in the second round of the playoffs with a 45-30 loss.

Knights conquer the Tigers

Story by Doug Kyles and Molly Kyles
November 23, 2019
Photo Illustration. Senior Owen Likins has earned recognition for achievements in cross country, track, and swim throughout his high school athletic career.

Owen Likins

Story by Doug Kyles, Staff Writer
November 7, 2019
Photo Illustration

The internet’s quest for aliens

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
October 8, 2019
Photo Illustration

The many roads to Texas High

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
September 30, 2019
Photo Illustration

A new place for politics

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
September 27, 2019
Kobe Webster stiff arms a Liberty Eyalu defender in the 62-13 victory against the cross town rival. The Tigers improved their record to 2-1 on the season and will travel to Kilgore next week.

Tigers dominate the Leopards

Story by TJ Wall and Doug Kyles
September 14, 2019
Quarterback Rian Cellers hands off the ball to running back Tracy Cooper while head coach Gerry Stanford watches the play from midfield at Lobo Stadium in scrimmage against Longview High School. The Tigers identified their strengths and weakness in the match-up against a defending 6A-2 champions.

Learning from the Lobos

Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
August 28, 2019
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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
Doug Kyles