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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Grace Hickey

Grace Hickey, Viewpoint and Copy Editor

Grace is a thundering third year staff member of the Tiger Times and an official senior queen, adding to her pre-existing title of drama queen. She finally advanced from the position of staff writer to doubling-teaming as both viewpoint and copy editor because she has a habit of taking on way more than she can handle. Grace also enjoys long walks on the beach and eating her body weight in Blue Bell ice cream paired with a nice pepperoni pizza. When criticized on her eating habits, Grace uses her acting abilities to pretend her assailants aren’t there, and if that doesn’t work, she just hides behind her mane of hair. All in all, Grace is many things, but she is mainly an emotionally unstable mess that will most likely break down at any mention of the fact that this is her last year at Texas High.

All content by Grace Hickey
Connor Anderson, Rachel Sorenson, and Jera Davis accept award from LifeNet workers.

LifeNet honors students for heroic actions

Story by Grace Hickey, viewpoint editor
October 28, 2016
Pretend like it doesn't phase you

Pretend like it doesn’t phase you

Story by Grace Hickey, viewpoint editor
October 12, 2016
We're one in a melon

We’re one in a melon

Story by Grace Hickey, viewpoint editor
August 19, 2016
2016 Spring Olympiad

2016 Spring Olympiad

Story by Grace Hickey
May 31, 2016
The B-word

The B-word

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
April 27, 2016
Serving the stage

Serving the stage

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
January 8, 2016
Stoeckl has successful All-Region run

Stoeckl has successful All-Region run

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
December 18, 2015
Junior Grace Hickey enjoys Thanksgiving in San Francisco, CA.

Gobble on the go

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
November 26, 2015
Texas High School seniors and their parents line up for the Senior Night presentation prior to the game against Greenville Thursday, Oct. 29, at Grim Stadium.

Grim goodbyes

Story by Grace Hickey, Staff Writer
October 29, 2015
All summer long

All summer long

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
September 10, 2015
senior Brittini Simmons listens to junior Megan Harris at the club drive.

Club drive week

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
September 2, 2015
Sophomore Grace Hickey sits flustered in the mounds of boxes and stress that come with moving.

Cardboard anxiety

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
March 19, 2015
Senior Madeline Hunley's conversation with her mother over the infamous dress debate. Screenshot from Twitter @madhunley

Social media engulfs hectic dress debate

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
February 27, 2015
Senior Makel Henderson practices squats at powerlifting for upcoming meets.

A new weight on their shoulders

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
January 29, 2015
Photo from and graphic by Caroline Purtle

Rosebuds brings back Valentine’s tradition

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
January 28, 2015
Local fitness finds

Local fitness finds

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
November 12, 2014
Sophomore Daylan O'Neal leads worship during Fields of Faith which was held at Pleasant Grove's Hawk Stadium.

Fields of faith

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
October 20, 2014
HoCo loco

HoCo loco

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
October 3, 2014
Runnels playing with GoPro attached to his helmet

In the eyes of a Tiger

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
September 18, 2014
File photo

Flipping out for first

Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
September 15, 2014
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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
Grace Hickey