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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Luke Smith

Luke Smith, Staff Writer

Luke Smith is a junior at Texas High School. He joined the newspaper staff this year after discovering an interest for writing. Luke does not only write for the newspaper. He is also a Christian rapper and writes his own music to glorify the Lord. Luke also plays basketball and lifts weights for fun. He is a retired basketball player after playing since he was 3 years old on the fisher price goal in his living room. Luke is interested in hats, shoes, chains, and hanging out with friends and family. Luke is very injury prone and has cut his eye, broken his ankle twice, cracked his head open, as well as mysteriously hurt his knee somehow. He has red cheeks, they are all natural, he was not slapped. He has been told they look like the American Eagle logo, and either africa or a boot. Luke Smith is a Christian and follows The Lord while trying to draw closer to Him. His favorite verses are John 16:33 and Romans 1:16. He goes to Church on the rRock and Powerhouse youth group.


All content by Luke Smith
A powerful experience

A powerful experience

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
May 14, 2015
Hallsville dominates all innings

Hallsville dominates all innings

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
April 21, 2015
Senior Jacoya Anderson

Senior places in Rotary Speech contest

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
April 1, 2015
Basketball season finishes at playoffs

Basketball season finishes at playoffs

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
March 6, 2015
JaNiro Lane drives toward the basket during the boys varsity basketball game against Marshall. The Mavericks defeated the Tigers 86 - 68.

Tigers take second loss against Marshall

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
February 12, 2015
Number 14, RJ Reid, plays defensively as Sulphur Springs runs the ball down the court.

Tigers suffer loss from Sulphur Springs

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
January 30, 2015
Tigers use turnovers against Longview

Tigers use turnovers against Longview

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
January 16, 2015
One nation under God?

One nation under God?

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
October 20, 2014
Students gather around the flagpole for the annual See You at the Pole event.

See you at the pole

Story by Luke Smith, staff writer
September 24, 2014
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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
Luke Smith