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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Amanda Garmon

Amanda Garmon, staff writer

Amanda Garmon, a junior and new member of the Tiger Times staff, is commonly known as a shy human being with significant curly auburn hair. Despite people’s beliefs, she can be quite the opposite of “shy” at times, especially if you really get to know her. Amanda’s interests include writing (a given), watching dozens of Disney movies a day, puns and spontaneously blurting out show tunes at the most unnecessary times. As well as being a part of the newspaper staff, she participates in choir and theater. Amanda’s comfort zone is quite small, but she is determined to change that through the extracurricular activities she’s involved in. She tends not to know what she is doing, but she tries to laugh through her awkwardness. You’ll probably make her blush if you talk to her about literally anything.

All content by Amanda Garmon
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An unimaginable movie

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
April 17, 2018
Today is April Fool's Day. Take the quiz to find out what kind of prankster you are.

What kind of prankster are you?

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
April 1, 2018

Crescendoing choir experiences

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
March 8, 2018
The Tiger Theatre Company held a drama day camp for children on Feb. 10. During the classes, they learned a Valentine's themed performance, and worked on exercises.

‘Meant to be’ a theater kid

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
February 14, 2018
Junior Braiden Brown plans to pursue a career studying computers and video games. He plans to attend Texarkana College to finish basics, and then head to Dallas to complete a degree in computer sciences.

A virtual love for the game

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
February 6, 2018
SOUL, a Christian organization, meets in Seth Schirmer's room every Monday and Thursday afternoon.

Fellowship is medicine for the soul

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
February 1, 2018
A soothing melody

A soothing melody

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
December 11, 2017
The obsession with TV shows

The obsession with TV shows

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
November 20, 2017
Joy is eternal

Joy is eternal

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
November 15, 2017
What if?

What if?

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
November 9, 2017
photo courtesy of

A rise in a unique music group

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
November 1, 2017
There’s nothing worse

There’s nothing worse

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
November 1, 2017
Junior Abby Cannon moved to Texas High at the beginning of the year, and is now actively involved in Theatre.

A dramatic change

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
October 12, 2017
Passionate about compassion

Passionate about compassion

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
October 9, 2017

The way to go

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
October 3, 2017
A new choir teacher in town

A new choir teacher in town

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
September 22, 2017
The start of something new... and terrifying?

The start of something new… and terrifying?

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
September 18, 2017
photo by Theo Walden and Getty Images

Different stages, new beginnings

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
August 27, 2017
Pushing limits and overstepping boundaries

Pushing limits and overstepping boundaries

Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
August 18, 2017
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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
Amanda Garmon