Raga Justin, Editor In Chief
Falling down the bleachers at a pep rally last year didn’t daunt senior Raga Justin, who turned her humiliation into character building and rose to power as ¼ of the editor in chief team. As a three year member of the Tiger Times, she hopes she’s gained a little respect; knowing, however, that this is unlikely, all she asks is that you pretend to find her intimidating (try hissing the words “dictator” or “fascist regime” as she walks by).
When she’s not fending off Internet hate or practicing her signature yoga death pose, she spends her time desperately trying to keep up with current teen slang or daydreaming up alternate futures in which she doesn’t have to go to college. Any talk of the future makes her break out in hives, but all dermatology concerns aside, she plans on going into journalism–a life choice questioned extensively by her dad. Says Raga when dragged into yet another lecture about her impending doom: “I’m just winging it.” You do you, girl.