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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

One of two CTE buildings comes near completion. On March 13, 2025, Matthew Turner, the lead of the Career and Technology Education Department, gave CTE course instructors tours of the up-and-coming facilities on campus. 

Continuous construction

Story by Kunan Anjum, editor-in-chief March 14, 2025

The metal-framed, brick structure echoes with the sounds of cranes and workers as wandering teachers observe the construction progress of their future classrooms. On March 13, 2025, Matthew Turner, the...

Tractors move dirt during the ongoing construction of a new building for Wake Village Elementary. The construction is supported by the funding of Proposition A of the 2022 Bond.

Wake Village undergoes major reconstruction

Story by Anna Bell Lee, Managing Editor/Webmaster February 9, 2024

The sound of construction machinery and an elementary school bell clash as students transition through a typical day at Wake Village Elementary.  Using the opportunity given by the 2022 Texarkana Independent...

Administrators and board members shovel dirt at the groundbreaking ceremony ceremony for Parks Elementary School. The new location will serve as the replacement campus for Spring Lake Park and Highland Park Elementaries. Members of the community gathered at the old Pine Street campus to kick off the construction process on Oct. 19, 2023.

TISD holds groundbreaking ceremony

Story by Ashley Davis and Riley roberts October 24, 2023

UPDATED Shovels are mounted in a pile of dirt, alongside a bulldozer and podium. Teachers, principals, past and former students, mayor Bob Bruggeman and TISD faculty gather to commemorate...

Superintendent Dr. Doug Brubaker delivers a speech to all teachers during the 2022 Convocation at the beginning of the school year.

Education renovation

Story by Williams Nguyen, Staff Writer February 2, 2023

With the election season well past, TISD emerges from the meetings far better off than where it was before. After their work throughout the election season, every campaigning and promotional effort has...

Freshman Makenzie Hofert's father was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, a severe condition that slowly runs its course through the body's respiratory system. Makenzie refuses to stop hoping that her father will heal; she shares a special bond with him. Submitted photo

Hanging onto hope

Story by Joseph Asher, staff writer February 2, 2018

She closes her eyes to escape the reality of the world. Her heart jumps out of her chest, her skin turns pale and her lips began to quiver. Her cries flood the room, and her screams echo off the walls....

Illustration by Alex O'Gorman

Editorial: TISD bond issue

November 4, 2014

Pushing, shoving and virtually being elbow-to-elbow is an experience that many Texas Middle School students encounter. Overcapacity has turned into an issue that cannot be ignored, and because of this,...

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The School Newspaper of Texas High School