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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Spinning for a camera

Spinning for a camera

Story by Emma Allen, staff writer April 13, 2021

Every season is different for any sport. A team changes, people graduate, new people join. This year has come with an unprecedented change for several competing entities, including this year’s varsity...

Life long hours of  practice and weekends of tryouts help form how band teachers impact students lives.

The ins and outs of DCI

Story by Emma Allen, staff writer November 30, 2020

Brandon Sams marches onto the field with the other members of the Blue Devils, equipment in hand— flag, rifle and sabre. The stadium lights are glinting over the freshly polished brass scattered around...

submitted photo

Winter Guard sweeps first competition

Story by Misty Lopez, feature editor February 5, 2018

“Ladies and gentlemen, here to perform ‘Circle Song Six’ is the Texas High Winter Guard.” Hearts are beating. Flashes of practices cross their minds, reflecting how hard they’ve worked for...

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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
color guard