Story by Haley Waddell, staff writer
• March 24, 2025
People crowd the stands as the dancers take the stage. Student council members wait anxiously for the performance to start. As the night begins, so does the music.
On Saturday, March 22, the Texas High...
Students and attendees dance the night away as the music echoes off the walls in the bustling cafeteria. The annual homecoming dance, a Texas High and nationwide tradition, takes place on Saturday, Sept....
Everyone is different and unique, so it is important for everyone to have an outlet where they feel safe and like they can be themselves but most importantly do the things that they love.
Story by Sophie Keller, Staff Writer
• December 3, 2021
Young dancers in sparkling costumes and pale pink shoes glide across the stage, receiving applause from each eager-eyed audience member. Performances like these are exciting for dancers and viewers alike,...
The Sullivan Performing Arts Center at Texas High has been filled with hard-working girls all week preparing for a show. The HighSteppers have been working on their Spring Show this week.
Story by Logan Diggs, managing editors
• April 22, 2021
Coronavirus has become the new norm so much so that, to many, the idea of a beloved tradition being canceled in the blink of an eye is typical. It’s a sad reality; the seniors of Texas High have missed...
Story by Reese Langdon, staff writer
• October 6, 2020
The lights blinded young Mary Claire Wright as she walked into Tiger Stadium for the first time in the sixth grade. During halftime, she got her first glimpse of the girls in the sparkly hats, white boots...
Lipstick was applied, choreography was refined and high kicks graced the stage for the final time of the 2020 school year. Although school is out for most students, one team sacrificed a portion of their summer for one more moment in the spotlight.
Breathing heavily, she counts her steps across the stage, dancing gracefully in her pointe shoes. Hours in, with feet sore from blisters, a racing heartbeat and a face full of exhaustion, she prepares...
Story by Cameron Murry, staff writer
• November 30, 2018
Pointe shoes tap across the wooden stage as boys and girls portray a special Christmas scene. Snowflakes and Spanish dancers turn round and round as the music plays out. This is what dancers look forward...
Story by Victoria Van, editor in chief
• August 3, 2018
Lights flash. Music plays. The annual back to school dance is the event of the summer. High school students from all over Texarkana join together at this year’s ‘Space Jam’ dance. Donations from...