Various cheers of victory float throughout the halls and from classroom to classroom as orange wristbands are exchanged from person to person. Across campus, a game takes place, each student competing...
When the word “theatre” pops into any modern audience’s mind, the term encourages visions of blinding lights, intricately woven costumes and an art form mostly enjoyed in high ceiling stages. But...
Spring break is all about having fun and you don’t need a lot of money to do so. From spending time in the great outdoors to having a night inside with a couple of friends, there are many budget-friendly...
Story by Caroline Purtle, co-entertainment editor
• January 28, 2014
It’s well into January and everyone is now acquainted properly with 2014. The habitual date change is never an easy one, but there comes a time when one just has to move on from the past and leave the...