Story by Lauren Richey, staff writer
• December 14, 2024
The smell of hot cocoa drifts through the air. The warmth of the glowing and twinkling lights overtake the senses as those walk past. Texarkana's Christmas season is filled with many festive events and...
As Christmas is right around the corner, we must remember the origins of this holiday. Yule is a Pagan holiday that is usually celebrated by Neopagans, Pagans, Germanic peoples, Norse Pagans and Celtic...
Story by Mikayla Zverina, culture editor
• December 18, 2020
All year you wish that the most wonderful time of the year would just go ahead and get here until it finally arrives. You are filled with joy until you realize you haven gotten Christmas gifts for anyone....
Story by Emma LeFors, staff writer
• December 17, 2019
We all remember the horror we felt when our older sibling sneered down at us and told us that Santa Claus wasn’t real, or when we realized that our parents don’t have hidden cameras monitoring our...
Story by Doug Kyles, staff writer
• November 28, 2019
While the last teacher is home and ready to enjoy the holidays, the farthest thing from a student’s mind is the school they just left, but they are still trapped. Many students see the homework they...
Story by Peyton Sims, staff writer
• December 15, 2018
A warm fire is burning. Presents sit under the Christmas tree waiting to be opened. You hold hot chocolate while watching snowflakes fall outside. Christmas is a cherished time of the year, but it can...
Story by Salem Karr, staff writer
• November 20, 2018
Sound of silverware hitting plates and joyous laughter fills the air. Suddenly, you hear your parents, grandparents and everyone in attendance erupt into shouts of disagreement and disgust. You look around...
Story by Savannah Downs, staff writer
• November 8, 2017
Piles and piles of homework are sitting on the bed. Many teachers give out homework over the longer holiday breaks, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring break. To keep their grades up, students need...
Story by Kristin McCasland, online co-editor-in-cheif
• December 8, 2015
The month that millions of Americans look forward to every year. The month that promises amazing food, tons of presents and quality time with family. December would be the perfect month,...
Story by Jessica Emerson, online editor-in-chief
• December 4, 2015
Twenty-two crowded cameras packed inside one tight portable classroom. Twenty-two pairs of eyes waited patiently in anticipation. With the creak of a door and an intake of breath, 22 tears stained the...
Story by Tyler Snell, co-news editor
• January 6, 2015
The food cooks in the oven, the table is set, family and friends arrive with appetizers and desserts. The television has America’s Game of the Day on along with Macy’s Day Parade in another room. This...