Story by Palin Nichols, staff writer
• December 11, 2024
As players exit the field for the final time of the 2024 softball season, coaches immediately began planning for the next season. Returning players may need coaching to improve skill, changes in position...
Throughout the school year so far, the Model United Nations club organized multiple fundraisers this year to raise money for upcoming trips, while also allowing members to bond and grow as a cohesive team.
Story by Nashita Kalam, News/Feature Editor
• December 16, 2022
Little kids' faces light up as leadership students walk through the doorway with baskets of presents. They realize that they will still be getting a Christmas through the school, even if it isn’t from...
Story by Joseph Asher, staff writer
• January 16, 2020
Before, she was quiet, missing that push to stop being a follower and start being a leader. The opportunity came when sophomore Bobbichrystena Hatchett was asked to join a new program for Texas High, Leader...
Story by Peyton Sims, culture editor
• September 29, 2019
A new leadership program implemented this year is expected to help create a more positive environment throughout the school.
Leader in Me, a program based on Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective...
Story by Katie Biggar, staff writer
• June 4, 2018
With six TISD schools, over 100 special need students and 300 plus volunteers all participating, the first annual Tiger Strong Field Day was held at the Texas Middle School soccer field. Student Council...
Story by Cameron Murry, staff writer
• March 26, 2018
Everyone you interact with has a story. Everyone is different, each person unique. But we can overcome our differences and uniqueness with teamwork, which something that the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards...
Story by Cameron Murry, staff writer
• March 1, 2018
The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp was held from Feb. 23-25 in Athens, Texas.
“This camp is held for student leaders to experience teamwork and trust building skills through various outdoor group...
Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
• January 29, 2016
While some kids used their weekend to catch up on sleep and Netflix series, others used the free time to improve their leadership abilities. Ten students, along with many students from other schools across...
Story by Caroline May, in-depth editor
• January 27, 2016
Unlike previous years, Student Council’s annual Dinner Theater will now be held in the Performing Arts Center rather than the cafeteria. This year’s show is on Feb. 28 with food being served at 6 p.m....
Story by Ali Richter, staff writer
• December 3, 2015
Lace up your tennis shoes, grab your matching sweatsuits and warm up your throwing arm.
Student Council will be hosting a dodgeball tournament on Thursday Dec. 17 after the half day of school in the...
Story by Alex Heo, sports editor
• August 24, 2015
The thundering band marches into the auditorium. Students from all across the state of Texas rise from their seats as the Star-Spangled Banner enters from the right, receiving the attention and respect...