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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Beth Dietze performs at Watermelon Supper as Trocia the Tiger.

Fits like a glove

Story by Emma LeFors, staff writer September 11, 2019

The sweat seeps through her shirt and soaks her hair as she dances around the field. “Never stop moving," she repeats over and over in her head. 15 minutes till her next break. She keeps dancing, and...

Graphic by Holland Rainwater

Big paws to fill

Story by Charli Hueter, staff writer October 29, 2018

Grim Stadium was only seven years old, and Texas High was basking in the glory of their fresh football field. Teenagers buzzed up and down the stone bleachers; resplendent in their pedal pushers, blue...

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The School Newspaper of Texas High School