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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Head Librarian Brooke Ferguson ensures her library is a comfortable space for the students of Texas High.

A second home

Story by Doug Kyles, Editor-in-Chief March 1, 2022

Tough love is an art, and look no further than the library to see the master of this craft. For some, the library is a rare visit, compelled only by the occasional trip to make up a quiz, but for a select...

Keenan Thrapp sits alone on the bleachers in the Tiger Center to his feelings about mandatory pep rally attendance. Thrapp and other students that suffer from social anxiety no longer have a place to go during pep rallies.

Students voice concerns about mandatory pep rally attendance

Story by Audrey Haskins, staff writer November 2, 2017

Large double doors and a sea of rowdy students make clawing through more difficult. Finding a space to sit and feel safe is a challenge when that sea begins to swallow him. Looking around, so much is going...

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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
safe space