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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

TikTok will no longer be allowed on government issued devices in Texas. Concerns have been expressed over the app stealing information.

Social media shutdown

Story by Kamryn Jean, Opinion Editor January 14, 2023

As of Dec. 7, 2022, Texas Governor Greg Abbott placed a ban on TikTok on all government issued devices.  The aggressive action taken against the social media platform was influenced by the “threat...


The world in filters

Story by Sara Havel, Staff Writer April 20, 2022

The more I scroll through my Instagram feed, the more I notice Snapchat filters, edited backgrounds with stars and galaxies and my friends looking like complete strangers. The world has become so fake,...

Students strut along the STEM building in their culture's club and storm the field for the 2018 Texas vs. Arkansas game.

Treasure it or trash it

Story by Staff January 23, 2022

Favorite Social media Several Instagram accounts have united the student body this year. Near the beginning of this year, Instagram user @texashigh.badparking made their first post. The account...


Social media showdown

Story by Aislyn Echols, staff writer June 3, 2020

Social media has begun to dominate the internet. Most people have at least one or two social media apps on their phones and other devices. Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit and Facebook are just a few examples...


When viruses go viral

Story by Stephanie Jumper, staff writer April 20, 2020

Restaurants are closing. Stores are shutting down. The closest we can see our friends is through a laggy computer screen on late night FaceTimes. All thanks to a disease from across the world called coronavirus,...

Hold before you hashtag

Hold before you hashtag

Story by Joseph Asher, staff writer August 23, 2018

In today’s world, society is driven by technology. Every minute, you’ll see someone on their phone because it is how we communicate nowadays. Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to not so great endings....

Another set of eyes

Another set of eyes

Story by Margaret Debenport, staff writer November 3, 2017

  Displaying memorable moments with friends on social media can bring a wave of anxiety. The fear of not being funny or looking good enough can cause a carefully composed Snapchat story to melt...

The power of a post

The power of a post

November 3, 2017

She is controlled by a puppeteer. Confined by the rules and regulations of social media. Every post carefully considered, every caption formulated with care. She will bend over backwards to please the...

Snapchat and I

Snapchat and I

Story by Raga Justin, news editor April 5, 2016

Any one of my friends can tell you, I’m the worst about responding to text messages, calls, or notifications. Desperate pleas for last night’s homework, frantic calls to tell me the latest piece of...

National 'come up with a better holiday' day

National ‘come up with a better holiday’ day

Story by Alyssa Gilbert, staff writer October 29, 2015

Scrolling through Instagram and seeing the fifteenth post about National Best Friend Day, I felt like I was going to lose my mind. I was noticing the same people post about the same National Best Friend...

Official Snapchat logo altered into gpx.

What the Snap

Story by Caroline May, design editor March 6, 2015

There once was a time when the world was different. And fuller. And brighter. And better. Those times have changed because of one utterly disappointing event. The removal of the “Best Friends”...

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