Story by Oviya Justin, Staff Writer
• November 2, 2022
Contrary to the average Indian immigrant parents’ beliefs, my mother doesn't worry or be strict about my grades in the slightest. While possibly in part to my neurotic obsession with keeping good grades...
Darkness is filled with nothing but the glow of flickering street lights and the occasional owl or squirrel soaking in the silence. Stores are spotless and closed until sunset. Most people should have...
Story by Gabbie DuBey, Staff Writer
• December 10, 2021
In seventh grade, sophomore Chloe Mooneyham felt the pressure of the dreadful day approaching. Throughout the night, Chloe became increasingly nervous every hour waiting for the sun to shine to introduce...
Story by Joseph Asher, staff writer
• March 17, 2020
A feeling of accomplishment rushes over her body as she finishes the last stitch. Thinking back to when she could barely finish one design, she stares at the embroidery she just completed in awe. Teaching...
The teenage brain undergoes many stressful situations throughout short periods of time, causing most teens to hide their emotions and have difficulty openly talking about their problems. The teenage...
Story by Cameron Murry, staff writer
• January 24, 2018
She whisks the yolks as she hums a soft melody, flour covering her shirt. Her mind is calm for the first time in weeks, her only worry being if she remembered to spray cooking oil in the bundt pan.
Story by Amanda Garmon, staff writer
• December 11, 2017
It’s December. Not only does this mean Christmas is right around the corner, but it also means that end-of-semester exam time is approaching us, stomping toward us like a big scary giant that’s teasing...
Story by Grace Hickey, staff writer
• March 19, 2015
It seems that sometime in everyone’s life, they will be required to move. Whether it’s to a new house, new city or even that small cubicle of freedom one would call a college dorm, odds are you will...
Story by Bethany Dowd, staff writer
• December 18, 2014
The clock reads 1:43 a.m. as she flips yet another history page, trying to finish the chapter in time to begin another English paper and maybe get an early start on her physics homework that never ceases...