Four long, grueling years of memorizing textbooks cover to cover, navigating social settings and tirelessly clawing at the top class rank. All for a printed sheet of paper allowing young adults to move...
Story by Maryam Kulaib, staff writer
• September 21, 2018
At the moment I feel like the happiest person in the world. I'm in America. I'm in an American high school. I live with an American family.
I'm a teenager from Azerbaijan who became an exchange student...
Story by Charli Hueter, staff writer
• September 16, 2018
Laia Boter has only been to the United States once before, and it was to visit Lady Liberty two years ago. A vast shift of American perspective took place when she arrived in  the Sun Belt territory....
To be in STEM, or not to be in STEM; that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler for class rank to burden oneself with a multitude of group projects, or to face the daunting task of being out of your comfort...