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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

SUBMITTED PHOTO: Texas High's Winter Guard poses after their competition, having placed second in their class. On Feb. 23, 2025, the Winter Guard participated in the North Texas ColorGuard Association- Wylie East Competition.

Grace, grit and glory

Story by Lillian Cooper and Kateleigh Crowson March 5, 2025

Beneath the dazzling gymnasium lights, the Texas High Varsity Winter Guard steps onto the floor, their flags soaring in flawless unison. On Feb. 23, 2025, every contestant gathers in the gymnasium ready...

Sophomore Alexia Burton accepts her initiation rose as an incoming member of the Rosebuds Junior Garden Club. At the initiation dinner, held in the THS cafeteria, new and existing members discussed the club's plans and goals for the upcoming school year on Sept. 16, 2024.

New buds

Story by Haley Waddell, staff writer September 18, 2024

Girls dressed in their best clothes gather around tables, getting ready to eat and watch the new initiates officially join. The Texas High School Rosebuds Junior Garden Club has changed its initiation...

Despite the prevalence of certain activities, some students are still unable to find their calling. These are classes approved to be taught in Texas public high schools that, if offered here, could encourage students to explore their hobbies and passions.

Expanding education

Story by Stephanie Jumper, feature editor January 20, 2021

If there’s one thing that separates our school from the many districts of Texarkana, it’s its undeniably intimidating size. However, as one grows more comfortable roaming these endless hallways, they...

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The School Newspaper of Texas High School