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The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

The School Newspaper of Texas High School

Tiger Times

Senior Sarah Woodman guides incoming freshman around the Texas High School campus during the annual Tiger Camp. At the camp, freshman learned traditional school chants, participated in competitive games, given tours and experienced their first pep-rally at Texas High.

Playing games and learning names

Story by Kunan Anjum, editor-in-chief August 3, 2024

Anticipatory chatter fills the halls as the sound of hundreds of footsteps echoes throughout the building. Across the campus, a slightly daunting yet exciting change is introduced to newcomers. On Saturday,...

While cheering along during the THS chant, Senior Blaise Larry-Cox exemplifies school spirit for the incoming Freshman. Texas High School hosted its annual Tiger Camp on Aug. 12, 2023.

Tigers lead the way

Story by Kunan Anjum, Staff Writer August 12, 2023

Chants of “Who ya with?” echo from the Tiger Camp pep rally from cheerleaders, and freshmen answer with “T-High!” On Aug. 12, parents and freshmen attended Tiger Camp to get an introduction to...

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The School Newspaper of Texas High School
tiger camp