Senior spotlight— Angeles Chavez
Student athlete plans to pursue nursing after graduating
Photo by Misty Morris
photo illustration
September 24, 2015
While crossing over each white line, she memorizes key facts for the government test. While hearing her coach yell to pick it up and run faster, she mentally repeats the process to solve a math problem. After being encouraged to want to win the season, she drives home to continue her pursuit in being a student athlete.
For senior Angeles Chavez, her daily routine consists of school, soccer and homework in preparation for life after high school.
“I hopefully plan to get accepted to University of Arkansas or University of Central Arkansas to become a [registered nurse] or a neonatal nurse,” Chavez said. “I would like to play soccer, but probably won’t just to stay focused on my career.”
As co-captain for the Lady Tigers, Chavez has more responsibilities to lead the team and set high expectations for the season.
“Right now, it is going pretty good,” Chavez said. “We are a young team but hopefully we get district champs.”
In order to achieve these goals, the team is hard at work during the offseason to prepare for championship games in March.
“We are doing lots of running, and we have this thing called a Stanford test that we have to do once or twice a week,” Chavez said. “Also, we are trying to get to know the girls so we can bond with them.”
Along with bonding with the girls on the team, Chavez sees herself as a people person and plans to become a neonatal nurse as a result of a past experience.
“I want to be a neonatal nurse or a RN because my cousin was born really early, and she has a mental problem,” Chavez said. “I want to to try to help with little tiny humans.”
At the beginning of her senior year, Chavez has some advice to the grades below her in their pursuits of their life goals.
“Enjoy your high school career [and] don’t procrastinate,” Chavez said. “Enjoy the activities or clubs you are in because time goes by really fast.”