Last Curtain Call
Senior looks back on time spent with Tiger Theatre Company
Photo by Kayleigh Moreland
Madison Sutton dons headphones for communication with crew as she works in the technical booth. Sutton has served as stage manager in many theater productions.
October 9, 2016
The director calls her name in the same moment that a cast member frantically tells her the back of their costume is ripped. She runs to her stage manager necessities to retrieve a sewing kit while instructing the lighting crew in the tech booth to focus the spotlight on center stage as the lead makes their entrance. She does this all in a matter of seconds. If it wasn’t for her, the show would not go on.
Senior Madison Sutton has been an avid member of the Tiger Theatre Company since her first year of high school. Whether it be in a technical or performing aspect, Madison has given her all to the program and shown immense dedication to it.
“Theater was the only thing I wanted to do in high school,” Sutton said. “It is so special to me because it gave me confidence in myself and I have formed relationships I want to keep for the rest of my life.”
The efficiency of the theater is extremely dependent on Madison’s demanding role as the stage manager. To successfully execute her job, Madison is expected to understand all of the basic fundamentals of theater in order to relate to the needs of cast and crew alike.
“I like to think that the stage manager is the glue of the production,” Sutton said. “Without the glue you have all these separate pretty pieces, but when they are all held together they create this bigger piece of artwork.”
Madison has stuck with the Tiger Theatre Company through all of its up and downs and has not regretted a moment of it. Despite trials such as director scandals and changes throughout the years, Madison believes wholeheartedly in the program.
“While it’s difficult having directors come and go, it’s been good for the most part because in the real world you’ll work with a lot of different people and a variety of directing styles,” Sutton said. “I think our situation has been very beneficial for us as students because it’s pushed us to take on more responsibility and an air of professionalism.”
Madison cares so deeply for the program, in fact, that she fears she has failed to do enough to further it.
“My biggest fear about graduating and leaving is that I didn’t make enough of a difference in the program,” Sutton said. “I fear that I haven’t left enough of a legacy to be remembered by future students and the teachers that had such a tremendous impact on who I am.”
However, Sutton’s teachers and peers see how much blood, sweat and tears she has put in to ensure that the Tiger Theatre Company continues to produce quality productions and further the growth of young actors and technical students alike.
“Madison will definitely be remembered around here certainly for the next four years,” Technical Director Trent Hanna said. “There’s kind of a quick turn over in high school, but my students will hear me talk about Madison for years to come.”
While the thought of leaving the Tiger Theatre Company makes her heart heavy, Sutton is optimistic and looking forward to a future where she plans to learn even more about the art of theater and major in stage management.
“Hopefully I’ll end up being able to do what I love most every night of my life,” Sutton said. “I really just want to be able to give back as much to theater as it gave me, because I wouldn’t even know what I loved if it wasn’t for this program.”
To her younger peers and those who will come after she has gone, Madison gives the advice to work hard, be positive and to always keep the love for theater alive.
“The people you meet and the experiences you’ll have will shape who you are as a person,” Sutton said. “Theater imitates life, and life is chaotic, but underneath all the crazy are great people and fantastic shows and experiences that you’ll never forget.”
Amy Tellez • Oct 14, 2017 at 9:27 am
This is a beautiful young lady! She was a library helper in middle school and was so mature for her age. I knew she would go far! So proud of you Madison!!
Renae Simmons • Oct 14, 2016 at 9:45 am
What a wonderful article about a very special young lady. It is very refreshing to hear a young person talking about their chosen profession with such passion and maturity.