Shut out
Mexican-American students share their viewpoints on presidential candidate
Photo by Alex O’Gorman
October 10, 2016
Flipping through channels, the same repetitive topic keeps appearing: Donald Trump, competing in the presidential election. Immigrant families and Mexican-Americans are plagued by worries: What if we get separated? What if we get deported?
Fear courses through their minds. They don’t only worry for themselves, but for the whole country and what might happen if Donald Trump is voted president.
The “Build A Wall” slogan Trump made has been a focal point of his candidacy, and has raised questions from viewers.
“Honestly, I’m not too fond of this wall idea,” freshman Oscar Gaona said. “It’s like we’re trying to keep people people out of America when it should be open to everyone.”
His campaign has been considered racist and offensive to many people. The derogatory remarks he has made have raised doubt over why he is even running for president.
“He doesn’t seem like the type of person to want to help a country,” sophomore Maryanne Garcia said. “He seems like a man who only wants some sort of power over a large group of people.”
Although some believe his remarks to be prejudiced, some accept the political viewpoints he wants to impose.
“I don’t agree 100 percent with what he says and what he wants to change,” Garcia said. “I partially agree with his views on taxes and abortion, but not to the point where I, if I could vote, would vote for him.”
There are also some Mexican-Americans who believe that Trump is not qualified for the position and does not know enough about the responsibilities that come with being president. In an interview about the Nuclear Triad, Trump, lacking a logical answer, he beat around the bush instead of confidently answering the question.
“How can you give a guy with no knowledge about being president the amount of power granted by being elected president?” freshman Daniel Garcia said. “I fear what will happen to this country if he is elected, especially since he doesn’t have a clue what the Nuclear Triad is.”
Although he has been viewed as a racist without the qualifications to be president, Trump still believes he is capable of making America a great country. Throughout his campaign, he has used the slogan “Make America Great Again,” which has undoubtedly raised questions concerning the morals upheld by the United States.
“If you really think about it, America was never really great,” Garcia said. “We killed, enslaved and discriminated against a wide variety of people throughout history.”
Trump is bringing this discrimination back by belittling Mexicans and other cultures in a country that is considered a melting pot. Likewise, Donald Trump is trying to form his own definition of “great” just as others have done throughout American history. Instead of encouraging the idea of our country being a melting pot, he is trying to seclude our country.
“America will never be great because of all the different mindsets everyone has. A perfect, great country does not exist,” sophomore Misty Lopez said. “Trump’s idea of ‘great’ will either make the country a little better or will poison it for the years to come.”