A musical rush
Photo by Matthew Martin
Senior Colin Runnels plans to take the skills he has learned in band to colleges and his future career.
September 14, 2017
He gets up at six a.m. for an activity that people barely pay attention to. To him, being named “band geek” doesn’t faze him. He was born for this and no one can stop him from what makes him happy. Band has changed his life and he is going to make the best of it.
Senior Colin Runnels has been in band since sixth grade. To him, band is not just a class period, it’s a lifestyle.
“Band has given me a lot,” Runnels said. “It’s given me a drive to try and achieve things. It makes me want more. It has a way of consistently helping me learn and get better. Our band is a family, I love being a part of a family. I’d say band really does mean a lot to me.”
Runnels enjoys the bond of the band; he believes that family isn’t the most important factor about band, it’s how well the band sticks together.
“I mean, as a band, we’re working together,” Runnels said. “A unit to create something amazing. What could be be much better than that?”
Even though Runnels has always had a love for music, his spark really shined after one of his greatest memories.
“It’s weird,” Runnels said. “I’ve always had an interest in music. Freshman year, we were at our final contest of the year in little rock. It was such an emotional night for everyone. We all came together not just as friends, but as musicians. We got fourth place that night. Seeing how music can push people to go that far, my love for music increased drastically.”
Runnels has accomplished more than just marching band, it has taken him further in many other musical activities as well.
“I’ve been in the top all region band for the past two years,” Runnels said. “Ranking in the top five both times out of forty. I’ve been the lead trumpet players for THS jazz A, the All Region Jazz Ensemble, and the Four States Jazz Ensemble. I have played as the lead trumpet for the last three TexRep musicals.”
All the success from just a few years in band has made Runnels realize a special feeling, this feeling is what keeps him going and helps him pursue.
“It has shown me that if I put my mind to something, and continue to push myself to reach my goal,” Runnels said. “Then I can do almost anything. It has taught me to not give up.”
Music education in not just for credits in high school. Runnels believes that the teaching is beneficial also.
“I want kids to have the same opportunity as I did,” Runnels said. “My inspirations are my directors. They’ve pushed me to the point of being who I am of a musician today. I want to continue growing and getting better to be like them.”
Runnels plans to progress in music education and push himself further than high school band.
“My plan is to attend the University of Arkansas at Monticello,” Runnels said. “I’m going to major in Music Education and go on to be a band director.”